Blood Brothers

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Lottie is sitting in her bedroom sitting in front of her vanity

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Lottie is sitting in her bedroom sitting in front of her vanity. She took off her bracelet and looks at herself at the mirror, and fixing her hair.

She feels her emotions taking over her, anger. She grips her comb and she breaks it and tosses it across the room. She closes her eyes trying to calm down, she opens them and she realizes what she's done. She broke Elena's comb, and threw it so hard it caused a hole in a wall. She begins to laugh.

"I really did that." Scarlett mutters to herself.

"Hey Ettie." Bonnie call out going up the stairs.

"Hey Bon Bon." Scarlett greets her with a smile, she's still sitting on her vanity chair.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Uhm, you know how I told you, on the night of Miss Mystic falls. That I've been feeling emotions that I shouldn't, and I could just be sitting and I will be angry or happy." Lottie explains as Bonnie's eyes trail down to her wrist, where her bracelet is missing.

"Every time this happens, do you have the bracelet off?" She asks.

"Yes." Lottie says. "I was just sitting and I got angry, I broke Elena's brush and threw across my room making a hole in the wall." She gestures to the wall. Bonnie's eyes trail to the wall, and nods.

"Maybe the bracelet helps you control your emotions, what did Grams say that it does exactly?" Bonnie asks.

"Well, she said it helps me control it, and it's a cloaking spell so I can't be found." Lottie says.

"If it helps you control your magic, it might also help you control your emotions. You're always wearing it, maybe you haven't learned how to control your emotions on your own." Bonnie says. Lottie nods her head.

"Come with me to buy a new brush for Elena? Since I you know, broke hers." Lottie smiles a little.

"Yeah come. Where to?" Bonnie asks.

"Her favorite store is an hour away. We can spend our day there or we can go and then go to the lake house and practice spells?" Lottie suggests.

"We go buy her brush, and we go for the lake house." Bonnie smiles.  The girls walk out and Lottie drives them.

They sing in the car till the reach the store. They picked out a classic red brush for Elena, they even waited a bit so they could engrave her name into the brush handle.

• • • •

Scarlett drives them back and they grab their Grams grimoires.

"Have you spoken to Ivory?" Bonnie asks.

"Mhm, no not yet. I'm terrified, but I planned on going today." Scarlett says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bonnie asks.

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