Faith ||SPN||

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Lottie was coming back from visiting Tyler. She had come back home to change and go back to the hospital and check on the Lockwoods. Her phone goes off and Lottie picks it up once she sees it's Sam.

"Hey, Sam." She greets gathering her clothes.

"Lottie, you got a minute?" He asks worried.

"Uhm yeah, what's wrong?" She asks folding her blanket.

"Dean told me not to call but he needs you, but he's not good. His heart, it's damage the doctors say he only has a month to live." He says, her heart drops. "Scarlett you there?" He asks.

"Yeah, where do I meet you? I can ask Ivory to look for a spell to see if we can do anything." She says. "I'll get Bon to look in Grams grimoires." She says.

"Hey, Hey. Breathe you need to be calm for him." Sam says.

"Sam, my boyfriends dad just died, and my other best friend was dying if it wasn't for Damons blood. I can take vile of his blood." Lottie says.

"He won't take, just come and help me look for alrernatives." he says and takes a pause. "And boyfriend?" He questions.

"It slipped, ex-boyfriend. We just been through things." She says. "Okay, I'll be on my way, I'll tell Damon to drop me off, or I'll catch a plane." She say adds.

"Okay see you here." Sam says.

|| Lottie's POV ||

I ended up taking Damon, he was faster and he gave me a vile of his blood.

I knock on the door of the motel room Sam gave me. He opens the door and I hug him. "I'm sorry, I'll do everything in my power to fix him." I say.

"Thank you." He says and closes the door. Deans eyes land on me. "I told you not to call her."

"Good to see you too Dean." I say.

"Hey doll." he gives me a weak smile. I go to him and give him a hug and kiss his head.  "You idiot." I tell him, he gives me a cheeky smile. "So our options?" I ask.

"I die, peacfully." Dean says, I glare at him.

"I've been scouring the Internet for the last three days. Calling every contact in Dad's journal." Sam says.

"For what?" Dean asks.

"For a way to help you. One of Dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist." Sam says.

"You're not gonna let me die in peace, are you?" Dean asks us.

"We're not gonna let you die, period. We're going." I say.

• • • •

"Thank you M-Ivory." I say caching myself.
"Well, Ivory found a spell but we would have to trade anothers life for Deans, and I know you won't like that." I say.

"Of course not." Dean.

"So this is specalist is our only option." Sam says, I nod my head. "Sorry." I say. Sam nods his head.

• • • •

Grimacing, Dean starts to pull himself out of the car. Sam tries to help.

"I got ya." Sam says.

"I got it." Dean says angerly. Lottie holds the door open. Dean pushes Sam away.

"Man, you are a lying bastard. Thought you said we were going to see a doctor." Dean says.

"I believe I said a specialist. Look, Dean, this guy's supposed to be the real deal." Sam says, Lottie nods in agreement.

"I can't believe you brought me here to see some guy who heals people out of a tent." Dean says.

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