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||  Gilbert's house ||

Jenna is finally coming home from the hospital. Jeremy, Matt, Lottie, and Elena are helping her.

"Easy. Grab the door Jer." Matt says.

"Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine." Jenna says.

"The doctors said that you have to take it easy." Elena says.

"Yeah, you don't want to rip your stiches,
hemorrhage and die, alright?" Jermey says.

"Yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment." Jenna says making Lottie giggle. "You see my Curious gets it." Jenna says.

"No." Matt says.

"I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?" Jenna ask.

"It is a freak accident." Elena says. "Yeah, it happens." Jermey says.  "Hey I almost died in the lake, and I was a lifeguard." Lottie says.

"Yeah, I mean I've done it like 20 times at the grill." Matt says, Jenna laughs. "Okay, I'm being nice." He says, they put her on the couch.
"What should I do with this?" Matt asks.

"I got it." Elena says, he gives her a bag with food. Matt and Lottie stay with Jenna. Elena goes in the kitchen. Jeremy follows her.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jermey asks.

"Make lunch." Elena says.

"No, about Katherine." He asks.

"We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy." She says.

"She tried to kill Jenna. We can't let her get away with that." He says.

"Yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can." She says.

"And what if she tries something else?" He asks.

"She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm not doing it now, me and Stefan are over. She wins, the end." She says.

"You are being naïve and you know it."He leaves.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Out. I'll be back." He says. Matt joins Elena in the kitchen.

"How was Dean and the hunt?" Jenna teases her niece.

"It was good, this one made me sad, little kids were being attacked, thank you for letting me go, when Sam told me about the kids I know I needed to go." Scarlett says.

"I'm proud of you Curious, I really am." Jenna smiles.

"I met this little boy Mike, he has a little brother Asher, Mike helped us." Scarlett tells her aunt about the whole trip, her giving Mike and Ash a protection charm.

|| Salvatore's house ||

Caroline opens the door to Bonnie .

"Hey, come on in." Caroline says.

"I got Stefan's message." Bonnie says.

"Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you." Stefan says. She sees Damon and Alaric talking and she sees that there is a lot a weapon on the table.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asks, Jeremy arrives.

"We're gonna kill Katherine." Jermey says.

"I can explain." Stefan says.

"Please." Bonnie says.

"We're gonna kill Katherine." Stefan says. Alaric shows the weapon to everybody.

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