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"What's going on Scottie?" Elena asks. We continue to walk and I give them a small smile.

"Scarly? Where are you taking us?" Jeremy asks.

"There's something we need to talk about." I say leading them to the Salvatore funeral burial home, where they bury their family members, I guess it's my family members too. "Things haven't been easy and they aren't going to, I still love you guys very much and you're my family no matter what, you know that right?" I ask my siblings looking at them. They nod their heads.

"Yeah, what's going on Scarly?" Jer asks.

"Scottie you're scaring me." Elena says. "what's wrong?" She asks concerned and worried is laced in her words.

"I was raised to be kind and passionate, to love the ones around me. Our parents did a great job, they love me like their own, I'm adopted guys. I'm not a Gilbert by blood." I say giving them a small smile. They have a confused face expression. My biological parents are Ivory Fairchild and Zach Salvatore, Damon and Stefan's uncle." I say. "I was adopted the day I was born, by our parents." I say giving them a sad smile. Jer and Elena look shocked, they certainly weren't expecting this. "I'm sorry." I say as my vision begins to blur.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. You're still one of us, you're a Gilbert." Elena says rubbing my hand.

"That's doesn't change anything Scarly, you're my big sister. I love you no matter what, and you're a Gilbert." Jer says, pulling me into a hug, which ended up being a group hug.

"So your biological parents?" Jer asks trying not to push it.

"I've- We've met them before. They have gone to town events. I've talked to Zach, he's told me his version of the story, they say they love me that they gave me away, to protect me from psychotic Damon. He almost killed Ivory when she was pregnant with me." I say. Elena looks like she wants to cry, she's always been the crier of all of us, I admire her for not caring and showing emotions. 

"Do you want to get to know your parents?" Jer asks.

"I don't know, part of me does, the child in me does. I'm terrified by getting to know them, what if they're great and I forget our parents." I say as tears form in my eyes. "They raised me, loved and and treated me as their own even if I don't have a single drop of Gilbert blood." I say.

"I think our parents would be okay with you getting to know them, they are your biological parents and you won't forget them. They raised us, we are their kids." E says giving me a reassuring smile. "I mean if you want to get to know them. Do it."

"You know I have a lot in common with Zach, Stefan told me a little bit about him." I say smiling a bit.

"You're kindness, comes from him, you're very compassionate." E smiles.

"So it's not a Gilbert thing." Jeremy says making us laugh.

"No I guess its a me thing." I say smiling.
8 the most amazing siblings."  I say as they pull me into a hug.

•    •    •    •no one's POV •    •    •    •

Damon, still sitting at the desk, hears Stefan's phone go off. He walks over to it and picks it up, seeing that it's Elena.

"Stefan's phone. How may I help you?" Damon answers Elena's call.

"Where is he?" Elena ask as she quickly walks down the stairs and anxiously speaks to Damon.

"He's on his way to you. Forgot his phone." Damon says. Elena stops in the living room.

Elena sighs "Oh, thank God. This compass was spinning." Right above Elena, Noah is braced to the ceiling looking down at Elena.

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