You're Undead to Me

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•    •    •    • No Ones POV •    •    •    •

Elena is waking up and goes to the bathroom. She meets Vicki. Lottie walks to them with a confused face expression to why Vick is here so early.

"I--I'm sorry, I'm almost done."Vicki says.

"It's--it's ok. Take your time." Elena says.

"It's too early for this I'm using the downstairs bathroom." Lottie say walking downstairs. Elena leaves and Vicki goes to Jeremy's room.

"I think you might be in trouble." Vicki says.

"What did you do?" Jeremy asks.

"Oh, Elena and S saw me." Vicki says .

"I'm a drug-using delinquent. A girl in bed doesn't really rank. Sorry." Jeremy says.

•    •    •    •

Elena finds Jenna in the kitchen.

"Jenna! Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?" Elena asks.

"Uh-huh," Jenna says.

"And you have no objection?" Elena says.

"He could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak her in and out." Lottie says coming in looking tired, her hair in a messy bun.

"Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." Jenna says.

"Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're gonna go out with Logan." Lottie asks.

"I'm going to show up and torture him, yes. And have you heard from Stefan? How are you and Tyler?" Jenna asks

"Not since he left that very vague message three days ago. "Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days." Elena says.

"We haven't spoken, I'm avoiding him" Lottie says.

"Haven't either of you called them?" Jenna asks.

"Nope. Not going to either." Elena says and Lottie nods her head.

"And you're ok with everything?" Jenna asks.

"No, I'm not ok with any of it. But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Honestly, I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy." Elena says.

"Ok, then."Jenna says.

"I'll be fine." Elena says. "I'm okay." Lottie says.

•    •    •    •

"I've missed you." Vick say hugging Lottie.

"I've missed my best friend V." Lottie says.

"How are you?" Vick asks.

"Fine." Lottie says.

"S, come on I'm your best friend what is it?" Vick  asks

"I'm fine Vick, honestly." Lotties says.

"S you're my fuckien best friend, seeing you hurt, pains me so much that I couldn't protect you. You're my sister S." Vick says with so much emotion in her voice.

"I'm confused V, I don't know If want anything, Vic I feel numb, I've felt this way for months. I've seen so many people die around me, Vick." Lottie says.

"I don't even know if I want the relationship I'm in." Lottie says. V makes me look in her eyes.

"Look everyone says you and Ty are meant to be, but what do you want S? Do what you want, if anyone tell you anything tell them and I will shut their trap!" V says and she hugs me.

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