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||  Middle of nowhere  ||

A SUV is meeting another car. One man goes out of the car and rejoins the two men in the SUV. The men in the SUV are wearing a cap and sunglasses

"Where are they?" Trevor asks.

"In the trunk, I did exactly what you said." The man says.

"Good, put them in the back." Trevor says.

The man opens the SUV trunk and then goes to his car. He opens the trunk. Elena and Lottie are in it. He takes them and puts them in the SUV trunk. The Trevor sees her in the rear-view mirror and smiles. After putting Elena and Lottie in the trunk, he rejoins Trevor

"Thank you for your help." Trevor says.

"Is there anything else?" The man asks.

"One more thing. Come closer, please." Trevor says, the man is getting closer. "Closer." The man gets closer. Trevor takes him, bites him, drinks his blood, kills him and then throws him on the floor and he leaves.

||  Gilbert's house  ||

Jeremy is in the bathroom. He knocks on Elena's bedroom door

"Yo, Elena!" She doesn't answer so he goes in her room. She's not there.

"Lottie?" Jeremy goes into her room, her bed is made, like no one slept there.

|| Caroline's house  ||

Caroline informed Damon about last night events with in the Lockwood household. Damon gives her the go to drop hits about Aimee's body.

||  Mystic Fall's High School ||

Tyler is in the hallway. There are notices for Aimee Bradley on the walls. In front of Sarah's locker, there are pictures and candles. He's uncomfortable and goes to his locker unable to.
Jermey goes up to him.

"Hey did Lottie stay over the night?" Jermey asks.

"No, why would she? She left with Elena. They probably went to Stefan's." Tyler says.

"Okay, Thank man. See you around." Jermey says. Stefan is closing his locker. Jeremy joins him.

"Hey Jeremy." Stefan greets.

"Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her. Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it." Jeremy says.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan asks.

"You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but if she's gonna sleep over, give me a heads up, also Lottie." Jermey says.

"Wait, wait... hold on a minute. We're not back together." Stefan says.

"Wait... they didn't stay at your place last night?" Jermey asks.

"No, I mean I saw her at the party but that was it. She didn't sleep over, I didn't even speak to Lottie at the party." Stefan says.

"Cause their bed hadn't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that Elena's car was still in the driveway. Where are they then?" Jermey ask.

||  Abandoned house ||

The SUV is parking in the driveway. Trevor is carrying Elena. They are in the house. He puts them on the couch. Their hands and feet are tie. He removes the ropes.

"What do you want?" Elena asks. Trevor says quiet. "Please, I'm hurt. We have nothing to do with anything." Elena says.

"I know. Just a taste." He's vamping out, Rose arrives and he stops.

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