In this one she tells her friends

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Dear Diary,

I've told my parents and they aren't ecstatic but they will support Ty's and I decision but they're glad we're taking responsibility for our actions. I'm happy that I'm having the baby, I think it's boy. I just have a feeling it's a baby boy. If it is a big Ty and I decided to name his after my father and Ty himself: Grayson Tyler Gilbert-Lockwood and if it's a girl it would be Avneet Charlotte Gilbert-Lockwood. They also approved of our engagement, which we're glad for. We've kept our child's name a secret for time being.
-Yours Truly Scarlett

• • • • Scarlett • • • •

"Aunt Jenna I'm so happy you're here." I say once we're done having girl talk. I lean on my head on her shoulder.

"How are you feel, really Scarlett?" Jenna asks.

"I'm good aunt Jenna, I'm still surprised that I'm actually pregnant. I mean I've always wanted to have kids but I'm young. Ty and I are so young." I say.

"You're going to do great, I mean you care so much for Elena and Jermey and you baby sit on the weekends." Jenna says. 

"I just feel like somehow I disappointed you, my parents,hell the whole town of Mystic Falls. Did I?" I ask Aunt Jenna sincerely.

"My dear niece Curious, you're strong, intelligent, beautiful and caring, thank you my dear."  Aunt Jenna says smiling at me.

"Thank you aunt Jenna. You're the best." I say smiling.

"You're an angel Ms.Mstyic Falls, you make us proud Lottie." Aunt Jenna says smiling."You're all a parent asked for as a kid, you're great kid. I mean yea you got pregnant at a young age but your parents and I won't hold it against you. We love you Curious and you're great and you're going to be a great mom. Your kid will be lucky to have you as a mom. She or he will be loves so much, by all of us." She adds making me smile.

"I'm just scared, I'm scared of tuning this kid so much." I say playing with my wedding ring.

"You're going to be great and if anything you'll have your mom. She will guide you through it." She says smiling and pulls me into a hug. We gossip about Tyler and her college adventures. I tell her how I think I got pregnant at the Lockwood thanksgiving dinner due to the Lockwood Special.

• • • •

Bon, Care, Vicki, Matt, Elena, Jake, Ty and I are on couch in my living room. I'm sitting on Ty's lap so I we have more space.

"So guys, Tyler and I have an announcement to make. And no interrupting Care!" I say giving her a look. She nods. Tyler and I pull out the gift bags, I hand one to Care, Bon, Elena and she knows but I still wanted to give her one. Ty hands one to Matt, and Jake even though he was informed, and Vicki.

"Some of you already know but we wanted to be apart of this moment. So I uhm, open it." Ty and I say the last part together. They open the gifts, and it's a onesie the girls one says 'my aunts think I'm cuter baby in the universe (I have great respect for her opinion)' and the boy's one says 'my uncle is cooler than yours'.
They all look up at us smiling, Ty has his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"You're pregnant?" Care ask loudly. Ty and I nod our heads.

"We're keeping the baby and we're getting married after I give birth." I say smiling. Care gets up and hugs me.

"Congrats S, I will look after this baby like my own." Care says and I smile.

"Thank you Care." I say.

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