The Turning Point

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•    •    •    • No ones POV •    •    •    •

"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out." Lottie says smiling.

"You're kidding?" Aunt Jenna And Elena says at the same time.

"Nope. But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away." Elena says.

"Psychology major. Check that!" Jenna says.

Elena looks at her phone.

"You and Stefan? Update?" Jenna asks.

Elena is buttoning up her jacket. "He knows how I feel and where I stand and I know where he stands but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away." She adds looking at her aunt and sister.

"Where is he going?" Aunt Jenna asks.

"I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary." Elena says and opens the front door and the they walk out of the house.

"Yours leaves, mine returns." Aunt Jenna says.

"Logan?" Lottie asks.

"He's back." Jenn says, Elena and Lottie let out groans "I didn't let him pass the front door." Jenna explains.

"I hope you slammed it in his face." Elena says and Lottie nods her head.

"Ah, medium slam." Jenna grins.

"Three strike rule, Jenna. You're not even aloud to watch the news." Lottie says to her aunt Jenna.

"Exactly. No more Logan "Scum" Fell." Jenna says annoyed.

•    •    •    •

Tyler, Jake and Matt are playing basketball in the school court.

"So, what's up with you and Forbes?" Tyler asks

"Nothing's up." Matt says.

"I saw you two in the hall today. Don't even try to deny it, bro. You're tapping that." Jake says.

"No, it's not like that." Matt says.

"Never is. Until you become "we" people." Tyler says.

Tyler shoots the ball and scores a goal. Matt grabs the ball.

"We" people?" Matt questions.

"Yeah, "we can't make it to the party"; "we'll never miss a game"; "we don't like the color red" Huh Jake?" Tyler asks.

"We hung out, like, twice." Matt says shrugging the Lockwood brothers comments.

Matt shoots a basket and scores. Jake catches the ball.

"Like we said, "we."" Jake says.

"So how are things with Lottie?" Matt asks flipping the things on Tyler's, his eyes flash hurt. Lottie seriously did a number on him.

"Nothing." Tyler says avoiding the question. Jake makes a crying face to Matt, he nods his head.

Elena and Stefan are sitting together on a table.

•    •    •    •

The career fair is in full swing at the school. Liz walks into the main room in full uniform. Richard walks up next to her.

"So what do we know?" Mayor Lockwood asks.

"Nothing new to report yet." Liz says and Richard groans.

"My highly reliable deputies are all on alert, but if you feel the need to be more proactive, by all means, grab a stake and have at it."  Liz adds as she's grabbing a coffee cup.

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