The Dinner Party

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||  Somewhere in Mystic Falls  ||

Scarlett walks around the town and she runs into Elijah and Jenna who are walking.

"Aunt Jenna?" Scarlett asks confused.

"Scarlett, this is Elijah Smith, he's a historian." Jenna says, "Elijah, this is my oldest niece Scarlett, Elena and Jeremy's older sister." She adds.

"A pleasure Scarlett." Elijah and her shake hands.

"I'm giving him a tour of Mystic Falls, The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence." Jenna motions towards the property.

"Ah, the Fells... one of the Founding Families," Elijah says making Scarlett stifle a laugh.

"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna asks.

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier. It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise." Elijah explains looking at Scarlett, who stares back at Elijah.

"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" Jenna stares at Elijah and sneaks glances at her niece, worried for her.

"Which means the ever lauded founding families... They didn't actually found anything." Elijah looks at Jenna and then Scarlett who smiles politely.

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial." Jenna says.

"They still are," Scarlett says looking at Elijah.

"Yes, they are," Elijah says as Alaric joins them.

"Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." Jenna introduces Alaric.

"Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" Alaric says, his eyes land on Scarlett. "Hey, Scarlett." he greets her.

"Hey, Mr.Saltzman." Scarlett looks at him.

"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history." Elijah says.

"Well, I only brought the surveys. I got the list in the car. just give me a sec." Jenna goes to her car leaving them alone.

"Alaric Saltzman. So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect." Elijah says.

"So is Jenna," Alaric says.

"Elena got a list? Well, she did strike a deal." Scarlett says.

"I didn't get the chance to speak to you, you were gone with the Winchester brothers but your sister added them along with the Lockwood brothers. Would you like to add anyone else." Elijah tells Scarlett.

"You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric, lighten up." Elijah says.

"Right," Ric says, he turns to look at Scarlett. "Your siblings have been looking for you, so have the rest of your friends." He tells her as Elijah leaves a bit away from them still eavesdropping.

"They killed Tyler's uncle, my child's godfather. What else they do kill Vicki? I'm done Alaric, they can find me when we need to save my sister. I would at least have the decency to say if I murdered their friends. We're just not the same person, my own family, Tyler, Jake, they hate me, now, All I've done is hurt Tyler, my own family. Caroline left a message at my moms, tell them I don't have anything to say to them." I say.

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