History Repeating

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Outside of Mystic Falls High, Elena and Caroline are walking towards the school.

"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" Elena asks.

"No, I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move." Caroline says

"Be the bigger person." Lottie says analyzing her nails.

"Impossible in her presence." Caroline says

"Why are you so pissed at her anyway?" Lottie asks.

"She's a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle." Caroline whines.

Elena sighs "All right. Well, I tried. I'm officially out of it." She says.

"Good. Your turn. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?" Caroline says she turns to look at Lottie. "How's Tyler?" She asks. Lottie shrugs.

"He is avoiding me." Elena says.

"Why?" Caroline asks.

Elena hesitates as she tries to think of what she can say "It's complicated." Then the bells rings, giving Elena an excuse to leave "I'll see you later."  Lottie waves at Caroline.

"Bye." Caroline says.

•    •    •    •

Bonnie is explaining to Elena & Lottie about her dreams.

"And then, I ended up at the remains of the old Fell's church before I woke up back in the woods." Bonnie says

"And you always see your ancestor Emily?" Elena asks.

"Mhm. Do you believe in ghosts?" Bonnie asks.

"Two weeks ago I'd say no, but now..." Elena says, Lottie nods her head.

"Because I think I'm being haunted."

"I don't get it. Why Emily?"Elena asks Bonnie confused.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the Civil War days, and that this medallion was hers. A witch's talisman." Bonnie explains.

"And it all started when you got the necklace?" Elena asks.

"I think she's using it to communicate with me." Bonnie says.

"Okay, what does Grams say about it?" Lottie asks.

"I can't call her. She's gonna tell me to embrace it. I don't want to embrace it, I want it to stop." Bonnie says, Lottie nods her.

•    •    •    •

After her AP Government class, Mr.Saltzman stops her.

"Ms.Gilbert may I speak with you?" Mr.Saltzman asks.

"Yeah of course." Lottie says giving him a small smile.

"Miss Gilbert, your siblings Elena and Jeremy right? I've given Jermey another chance, he can prove himself I won't take Mr.Tanners notes." Mr. Saltzman says.

"Thank you Mr.Saltzman." Lottie says.

"Mr.Tanner had notes on everyone one of his students, he has a file on you. Sad, bright student, I'm sorry about this it's just some." Alaric's says. His eyes stay on the word 'orphan' and she lost her child.

"Ohh." Lottie says.

"This file won't harm you or help you, it's a clean slate." Mr.Saltzman says. Lottie nods her head.

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