In the one with the brothers

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Scarlett has called aunt Jenna and told her over the phone the news. She was happy for the new baby coming into the family.

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"So this Gilbert Family?" Dean asks sitting waiting for his food outside the Mystic Grill.

"The Gilbert Family consists of a family of five, Dad: Grayson Mom: Miranda, Oldest daughter Scarlett, Middle child Elena and the youngest Jermey." Sam says not looking up from the computer.

"You guys know the Gilberts?' A girl asked placing down the drinks. She had brown hair.

"Family friends, we don't really know them." Sam says.

"They are the towns family sweethearts, from the founding family. I'm best friends with the oldest Scarlett, she's very sweet." She adds smiling.

"We're here for an event." Dean says not completely lying.

"Ohh its a founder day event, Ty and Lottie are hosting. Two of the founding families of the council are coming together." Caroline says walking behind Vicki all chirpy. "I need to get back to work but my name is Vicki, if you need anything. Now Caroline, stop talking so much about my best friends life." Vicki says walking away.

"She's my best friend too, Vicki." Caroline says.

"So what can you tell us about the Gilberts? We're family friends." Dean asks Caroline.

"Ohh I get it, you guys don't want to seem rude when they speak to you. Okay so Grayson Gilbert has his own medical practice and Miranda is on the found families comite, both very sweet people, they have their oldest daughter Scarlett goes by Lottie, She's dating the Mayor's son Tyler Lockwood since we were all kids, Tyler has a brother Jacob Lockwood but we all call him Jake or jerk or ass or asswood any works. Props to Lottie for that nickname. She's practically married to Tyler. She's Miss Mystic Falls, she's such a sweetheart, she's on the varsity cheer squad, damm that girl can stretch, she's been captain of the squad since her sophomore year. Elena is on the squad too, she's my best friend, and dating Matt, Vicki's brother. She really sweet and she's the middle child and is basically your IT girl." She talks more about Elena. "And there's Jermey, a such sweet artistic kid. He's a shy compared to his sisters." She adds more of Jermey

• • • •

"Wow, that girl could talk" Dean says huffing. Sam nods his head in agreement.

"Dad must really like the Gilberts if he left something with them." Sam says.

"Ty, wait up, I don't want to run." A girl says, with dark hair and bluish-green eyes.

"Scar I really don't feel like talking, I'm kicking his ass." The kid, Ty says.

"Come on Lockwood." The girl says annoyed.

"Look Scarlett, your siblings are sweet so I don't expect you to understand but Jake asswood is getting his ass kicked." The guys Ty says.

"Tyler Lockwood, don't be an asswood your dad is going to kick your ass baby, stop. He's going to have you both, hanged. Come on..." she's whispering something in his ear causing him to grin from ear to ear. She takes his hand and leads him away, from the town center.

"So that's Scarlett." Sam says as he sees them walking away.

"She's cute." Dean says.

"She has a boyfriend, then again that hasn't stopped you before." Sam says.

"What? I just said she was cute." Dean shrugs, rolling his eyes. As if he would go for child John had helped perfect her archery.

"I mean even if you tried she would never go for you, I mean look she's completely in love with her boyfriend and she has a good life." Sam says.

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