Tea Party

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   Peter was sitting on the floor surrounded by pillows next to Loki drinking green tea. It was Loki's birthday but he didn't want to celebrate it so Peter talked him into having a tiny tea party. It was just him and Loki at the small party because that's how Loki wanted it.

   Peter wanted to wear something special for Loki's birthday but Loki said just to wear what he always wore. It didn't stop from Peter bringing birthday hats.

   "Would you like more tea?" Loki asked with his usual cunning voice. Peter thought how Loki looked so weird with a birthday hat on. He for one liked birthday hats, they made him happy.

   "Yeah" Peter watched as Loki's slender fingers picked up the tea pot and showered his tea cup with the delicious nectar. Loki lightly poured the green tea he made in his cup. Loki perfected the making of the tasty substance when he was a child and he vaguely remembered Thor would always tried to drink it all since he thought it was so good.

   "I have a question" Peter said as he watched his fellow Avenger drink.

   "And I might have an answer" Peter always thought Loki was a wise goth since he worded things differently.

   "Why don't you celebrate your birthday?" Peter asked. Loki looked away from him contemplating what he should say.

   "My brother was the favorite so I hardly got things and my father always forgot anyways" Loki explained. Peter felt bad about Loki not getting the same experience as his brother.

   Then he had an idea.

   "How about we go somewhere for your birthday? Maybe the park, or beach?" the spiderling asked.

   "Hmm maybe to the park" Peter was waiting for him to say that and his plan would be set in motion.

   "Okay, I'll tell Mr. Stark that we'll be leaving" he left Loki with his tea and walked to Tony's lab. He nocked on the door waiting for Tony to say he could come in.

   "Come in!" Tony yelled inside his castle of creation.

   "Mr. Stark I'm taking Loki out for his birthday. I just wanted to tell you so you don't have to worry" he twiddled with his baby blue sweater's sleeve.

   "Okay" was Tony said as he looked at a blue print for his next creation making sure everything was in place.

   Peter walked out knowing Loki probably took of his hat. He was right. He Loki drinking the last of the tea with the hat laying on the floor.

   "So when ever your ready" Peter said as he plopped down on a chair next to the kitchen table. He watched Loki elegantly get up and picking up the tray of tea with the used cups and place them at the circler tables that Peter was sitting by.

   "Just have to get my extra blades" Loki said.

   "N-no blades. Your are not gonna kill anyone. Were just going to a park" Peter said bewildered at Loki's words.

   "Fine but I'm bringing this tiny hat of happiness" he watched Loki pick up the birthday hat and put it back on his head.

   "Why did you take it off in the first place?" Peter asked.

   "It fell off my head" Loki said casually.

   Peter led Loki to the park knowing that the pet shop was by it. He walked looking next to Loki waiting to see if an another person would stop them again. Since Loki's birthday hat was out in the open random people would stop them and say happy birthday. Loki just said thank you and left without another word.

   "Were almost here" Peter grabbed Loki's hand and led them to the pet store not caring how childish he looked. When he saw animals he always got excited.

   He let go of Loki's hand and pushed him threw the automatic slide doors and watched Loki instantly walk up to a snake curled up in a ball.

   "Why are we here?" Loki asked as he studied the silk black creature.

   "So you can get a pet for your birthday present" Peter said as he looked at the snake and read what type it was on a post card next to its glass cage.

   "It says it a pyth-" he was cut of by Loki.

   "A python. I turned into one when I used to prank Thor" he said with an amused smile on his face remembering his brothers scared face.

   "Are you gonna pick this one?" a worker at the pet shop.

   "Yes" Loki said as he watched the snake look at him and stick his tough out at him.

   "She'll be fifty-five dollars plus tax and any other things you'll need to raise her" the blonde lady explained.

   "Fine with me" Loki said knowing all the things a python would need. The lady walked away. Peter brought out his wallet. He got money from a different job he had. He worked out his whole schedule and crammed the job into it.

   "You don't have to pay I got it" Loki said.

   "Are you sure?" Peter asked feeling bad since it was Loki's birthday and he wanted to get something for him as a present. And how did Loki get mundane money in the first place?

   "Yeah" Peter stuffed his wallet back in his baggy sweater and watched Loki being Loki.

   They left with a new member of the Avengers family and her belongings.

   "Thanks Peter. It was a perfect birthday" Loki said has he pulled Peter into a hug. Loki had his new snake, Dex, wrapped around his neck while he hugged Peter. It caused Dex to slither to Peter giving him her own version of a hug.

   "Everyone deserves a birthday party and a snake" was all Peter said as he hugged him back.

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