My Dear Friend Loki

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Warning: Depression and Selfharm

Peter was in the kitchen at night in Stark Tower. His aunt said it was okay to spend the night. He was walking back to his room with a glass of water in his hands. He woke from a nightmare, but it was usual. He stopped when he heard a small whimper from Loki's room.

He slowly opened the door and revealed a tired Loki. His hair all over the place. His eyes dark and cold. Loki's dark green long sleeve filled with blood, black pants glistening against the moon light.

He saw the cuts and left the room with his glass in hand. Peter went to the bathroom everybody shared and dug underneath the sink. He pulled out a first aid kit and made his way back to Loki's room with the cup and kit.

Peter walked closer to Loki, shutting the door behind him. He set the cup of water on the nightstand next to the bed that Loki was leaning on.

Peter sat next to Loki not saying anything. Peter slowly grabbed one of Loki's hand and examined the self inflicted cuts. Loki didn't do anything. He just looked at Peter who opened the first aid kit and began to clean his cuts.

Loki always knew Peter had a kind soul. He really wished Peter hadn't seen him like this. Loki always thought Peter should be protected from the world's dark truth.

Peter bandaged up Loki's arms. He wanted to ask so many questions, but knew it would be better not to. He just sat there next to Loki holding his hand for comfort. He was comfortable showing affection to anyone, if it meant making them feel better, he'd gladly do it.

Loki squeezed Peter's hand wondering if he was dreaming. Once he felt Peter's hand squeeze back he knew he wasn't.

"It's late, you should get some sleep" Peter whispered. Loki did want to sleep, but if he did nightmares would return like an illness.

Loki gently let go of the boy's hand and laid his head on Peter's thigh. Peter didn't do anything, he just played with Loki's hair. He hoped his friend would sleep.

Loki closed his eyes, expecting nightmares, but it didn't happen. He didn't hear screams or begs for mercy, he just heard Peter humming softly. He listened to the boy. He felt him still playing with his hair. Loki fell into deep slumber.

Peter woke up to Loki still sleeping. His back hurt from leaning against the bed, but he didn't move. Peter looked at the clock next to the nightstand with his water next to it. It was nine in the morning. His eyes moved to the aid kit next to him. He looked away, remembering what happened the night before.

Loki slowly sat up from sleeping. He saw Peter still sitting by the bed. Loki was glad Peter didn't leave him threw the night. Usually people would always leave him.

"You should eat. I'll ask Steve to make your favorite" Peter spoke softly. Loki got up from sitting and stretched, letting a yawn slip threw. Peter got up and went to find Steve. Loki followed Peter on his quest for pancakes.

Loki day at the table with his hands folded against his body. Peter sat next to him. The rest of the Avengers sat waiting for Steve to be done cooking. When Steve was done he put the food into the middle of the big table with all the fruits and syrup to decorate the pancakes.

Peter grabbed two plates, for Loki and himself. He staked three pancakes on Loki's dish and putting fruit on the side. He placed syrup on top and handed it to Loki. Peter did his and grabbed silverware for the both of them.

"Loki can get food for himself, you know" Sam said as he ate sloppy. Syrup dripping down his cheek.

Peter didn't say anything. He stared at Loki realizing he forgot to change his shirt. Loki still had his blood stained sleeve shirt on. He watched Loki eat his food not caring on how the others felt about him. He knew they wouldn't care it he killed himself anyways.

Peter began to eat listening to everyone talking. He was mad that no one said anything about Loki crying last night. He knew they watched the taps. How come they didn't try to help Loki?

"Loki just wants attention" He heard Loki's own brother say. Peter whipped his head at Thor, ready to attack the so called god right at the table. He stopped when he felt a hand on his thigh. He looked at Loki who had a sad look in his eyes. Peter intertwined Loki's hand with his underneath to table. He held onto Loki and continued eating with his left hand.

"That's a little harsh, Thor. He needs help and we can provide it" Natasha said. She looked at Loki he gave her a kind smile. At least two people cared for him.

Peter leaned closer to Loki and whispered in his ear, "We can leave if you want." Loki nodded and left with Peter still holding hands.

They went back to Loki's room and cuddled. Peter almost cuddled with the whole team. He loved cuddles and giving affection, Loki liked getting affection for once.

They slept threw the team hollering in the kitchen on about it they should help Loki or not.

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