A Dancer's Bargain

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Skating was Peter's escape from the pressure. He could skate for hours and hours. The only person who knew he skated was his auntie. He didn't tell anyone else in fear of getting bullied. He didn't even tell his girlfriend.

He told his aunt he would be at the ring. Peter wore tights and a black shirt. He found tights that had pockets, which was very hard to find. He placed his phone in his pockets and began skating.

He loved skating. The cold air in your lungs. The twist and turning. The leaps in the air. The feeling of being unstoppable against the ice.

He swayed and swayed casually. No one was skating, but him. He was usually scared to skate in front of people. They would stare at him when he did tricks. Even though they were admiring his beauty on the ice, it still made his nervous.

Peter thought about the quadruple jump. He had been trying to nail that move, but would end up failing. It wouldn't hurt to try again.

He skated around the rink, building velocity. He felt the cold breeze when he inhaled. Peter jumped off letting everything fall in place. When he spun he saw everything around him blur. Peter landed. He finally landed it perfectly. He was so proud of himself.

Peter skated around with a smile on his face. Then he heard clapping and instantly stop. He searched wear the noise was coming from. Peter looked and saw Mr. Stark. Spidey got nervous again.

He slowly skated to were Tony was standing. He watched Mr. Stark as he was waiting, looking threw the glass. Peter skated threw the entry of the rink and walked in his skates to Tony.

"H-hello Mr. Stark" Peter said. He sat down in one of the chairs and grabbed his shoes.

"Your were brilliant on the ice. Who taught you how to skate?" Tony asked as he watched the boy switch his skates to his shoes.

"Self taught" Peter whispered. Whenever he told people he was self taught they would say stop bragging and stop acting like he was better then them. He was just telling them the truth.

"That's great. Anyway your mom said to pick you up. I also have to talk to you" Tony said. He motioned Peter to follow him outside. He saw Happy waiting in the limo.

He got in waiting for what Tony had to say. He hope he wasn't in trouble. He did everything Tony told him to do. Tony got in the limo and told Happy to drive to May's apartment.

"So, aunt May told me something. Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?" Tony asked. Peter face got red and he looked out the window.

"Geez Peter, you could have told me. By the way, if your gonna have sex be safe. I don't need a baby spider crawling around. I already have you" Tony chuckled at the thought of two baby spiders.

"Yes, Mr. Stark"

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