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"MJ, I have to tell you something" Peter said as he held his blanket close to him.

"What is it?" She asked. She looked at him as she shoved chips in her mouth.

"I'm g-gay" he said quietly. MJ didn't look fazed at the information.



"What do you want me to say?" MJ asked.

"I don't know!" Peter yelled.

"How did you know?" Peter asked calmly. MJ shrugged.

"My gaydar went off when I first saw you" MJ tossed another chip in her mouth and continued watching the cartoon on her tablet she brought.

Two Months Later

Peter wanted to sit next to MJ. MJ always had the best snacks. Of course it would mean leaving Ned, but Ned was okay with it as long as he got to still play games. For some reason, his teacher intervened and sat him next to Brad Davis. Ever since the Blip happened, every girl wanted Brad.

Ned got to sit next to MJ. They played games and ate snacks together. It made Peter kind of jealous.

"Wanna watch something?" Brad asked and he smiled at him. Damn, he's teeth were so white.

"Sure, as long as it's scary or funny" Peter wrapped himself into his blanket as Brad put on a movie. Sitting next to Brad on the plane wasn't to bad. He also had snacks. He even had his favorite, gummies bears.

Peter giggled at the movie. It caused Brad to glance at him. Peter didn't notice, he was to invested in the movie.

Brad always liked Peter.

Peter fell a sleep half way thought the movie and he woke to everyone grabbing their bags and Brad shaking him lightly.

"You should get your bag" Peter nodded and grabbed his suitcase.

Peter got assigned a room with Brad. MJ and Ned shared a room together. Those two were definitely not getting sleep because they always played games. Peter rolled his suitcase in the corner to a bed and plopped down. He found out his aunt packed his Spider-Man suit with. He wanted a break.

"You okay?" Brad asked as he unpacked. Peter hummed a yes and got up to brush his teeth. He stopped by MJ and Ned's to see what they were doing. MJ was trying to fight a dragon in Minecraft while Ned was breeding sheep.

He went back to his room and saw a half naked Brad. He was changing his shirt. He had abs for days. Peter blushed and cleared his throat. Brad put on a sweater quickly.

Peter sat down on his bed, he was still blushing. How could someone be so attractive?

"What you say?" Brad asked. Shit, he said that out loud.

"Nothin!" Peter yelled. Brad walked closer to Peter.

"Didn't seem like nothing" he whispered in Peter's ear. Brad pushed Peter down on the bed. Peter didn't do anything. He felt Brad kiss him. He kissed back, trying to taste every bit of him. Brad pulled on Peter's hair, making him moan. He slipped his tongue into Peter's mouth.

Brad started to rock his hips into Peter's. Causing Peter to groan.

"Wanna play Minecraft with us-" Ned stopped and ran away to MJ. Peter was horrified that Ned day him making out with someone. Brad got up and locked the door. Peter and Brad continued there make out session.

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