Gay Agenda

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Warning: Sexual Acts

Peter watched the boys work out in in P.E. Their shirts revealing there toned abs when they did pull ups. Peter thought sinful things he would like to do. He needed to get laid by any guy. His hormones have been acting up and his Spider-Man side made him ten times more horny.

He needed to get laid.

"Peter, why you staring over there?" Ned asked. He saw Peter staring at a bunch of guys. He wondered how he could do sit ups so fast. Must be his spider side, Ned thought.

"I need to get laid" Peter said. He heard the coach commented him on how good he was doing, so he slowed down.

"And staring at boys helps? Oh never mind" Peter wanted to laugh. He just told Ned he was gay.

Ned heard the girls talking on the bleachers about Spider-Man. He got excited but didn't speak. He was afraid of girls.

Gym ended with Peter and Ned having an invitation to a party. Peter ran to the boys locker room. He needed a shower. A shower would calm him down and make him less hormonal.

He stripped his clothes and turned on the shower. Relaxing as the cold water hit his face. It was a nice feeling.

He got done and decided to skip school. He couldn't be in a small classroom with boys that were only a few inches away from him. He'll just have to tell his aunt he got sick. He walked home with his backpack, clinging on to it since it was his third backpack this month. He didn't want to lose another one.

He walked into his aunts apartment and saw her sitting on the couch reading a book. He'll probably ask her later to go to the party since he skipped school. It wouldn't look to convince if he said he was sick then turned out to be okay just because a party was mentioned.

"What are you doing home?" His aunt asked. She looked at him for an answer.

"Didn't feel so well. Plus there was only one class left" He explained. Trying to sound convincing was hard.

"Okay, but if you feel worse, tell me"

"I will" he rushed to his room needing to blow off steam. Why are my pants so tight, he went into his bathroom to relieve his urge, but it didn't help.

He got out homework to pass the time. The party would start at night, so just a few hours to pass the time. He was finally done and decided to ask him aunt.

"Aunt May, do you think me and Ned could go to a party?" He asked. She was in her room with the same book. She looked almost about done with her book.

"Didn't you say you didn't feel well?" She asked. She put her book down and got up. She was wearing a dress that flowed with each step she took. May grabbed a water bottle and drank a little waiting for Peter to say something.

"I feel better know" Peter didn't know what to say. He just said the first thing that popped into his head. He fiddled with his sweaters sleeve hoping she would say yes. He didn't want to leave Ned hanging out all alone.

"Okay, but I'm driving you guys" She put on her glasses and grabbed her car keys. Peter would just go in his normal attire since he didn't feel like dressing up. They walked out together and picked up Ned.

It was hard to tell her were to go since she refused to use a gps. They finally got there, but May was being embarrassing. She finally left saying goodbye and told them she'll pick them up later.

"I'm gonna go talk to MJ" Ned walked off right away leaving Peter by a group of kids who seemed to be already drunk. He walked upstairs to find a bathroom. His pants were tight again. He found a bathroom after accidentally walking in on a couple making out.

He turned on the faucet, splashing water on his face. He heard the bathroom door open. He looked around as he wiped his face off with a face towel. He saw a Greek god staring back at him. His black hair and bluish green eyes. Damn, he's hot, Peter mentally told himself.

"Sorry, didn't know you were in here" The boy closed the door behind which in a regular person's case would raise a red flag, but Peter was to busy staring at the boy's gorgeous face to realize.

"Hello" The boy waved his hand in Peter's face. Peter handed realized he was day dreaming.

"Oh sorry, I'm Peter" He said. He put the face towel on the counter and held up his hand to the boy.

"The names Kyle" Kyle excepted his hand shake. He eventually let go leaving a warm tingling sensation in Peter's hand. Peter looked at him with lust in his eyes. Peter was sure Kyle noticed, but he didn't say anything. What was he suppose to say?

Kyle stepped closer to Peter. Peter did nothing. Pretty soon Kyle was so close Peter could feel his breath on his lips. Peter wanted to kiss him so bad, so he did.

The kiss was so wild and exciting, well exciting for one part of Peter's body. He never had his first kiss before, he also didn't do a lot of things before he was Spider-Man.

Peter shoved Kyle against the bathroom door making a little banging sound but with the music blasting downstairs, no one would hear.

Kyle stopped and grabbed Peter's hand and led them to a empty room. Well, it wasn't empty before they went in. Kyle shoved two girls who were gossiping out of the room. When they say Peter and Kyle holding hands they instantly left giggling.

Kyle shut and locked the door while Peter laid of the bed. He needed this moment to happen. He could care less if it was special or not.

Peter watched Kyle take of his pants and climb on top of him. Kyle started kissing him again. Peter couldn't wait any longer. He flipped them so he was on top. He slid off his sweater and shirt. He kissed the Greek god again distracting him so he could rip of his shirt. Peter made his way to Kyle's neck, biting and sucking on it. His neck was soft and smelled like cinnamon, Peter could bite it all day.

Peter got up and took of his pants along with his boxers. He climbed back on Kyle and started kissing him again. He put his hands around the other boys face as he bit his lip asking for an entrance. He slightly opened his mouth and Peter slid his tongue in. Kyle moaned, which sent Peter into instant kill mode.

Peter trailed kisses down the boy's body, admiring the boy's beauty. He stopped at the boy's area, waiting. Kyle grabbed Peter's hair. He gently pulled on it signaling he couldn't wait any longer.

Peter pulled down Kyle's boxers, tossing them somewhere around the room. He stopped tonguing the blue green eyed boy and made his way back down to the boy's shaft.

He grabbed Kyle's shaft making a whining sound come from him. He placed his lips around Kyle's manhood making him buck his hips. Peter almost chocked. The spiderling pinned Kyle's hips down and continued sucking.

Kyle's moans filled the room.

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