No!! (SpideyFrost)

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"Can I try on your horn thingy?" Peter asked. Loki looked at the boy and scuffed.

"No" Loki said. Peter let out a whine and that made Loki regret his decision. He had to say no because he can't let Peter win.

"Please" Peter put his hand together and leaned closer to Loki. He knew Loki would break.

"No!!" Loki yelled. That didn't stop Peter. Peter wrapped his hands around Loki's face and plated a kiss on his lips. Loki melted into the kiss. Peter snatched the helmet then he put it on over his mask that was halfway on his face.

"Don't I look moody" Peter chuckled at Loki's face. He looked mad and proud.

"Give it" Loki reached his hand out to Peter. Peter gave him a high five instead of the God's helmet.

"Nope. Maybe a with a kiss you'll get it back" Loki took the challenge.

He grabbed Peter and kissed him. He pulled off his mask and the helmet. He heard a clank on the ground, but ignored it. Loki slide his tongue into the boy's mouth which earned a moan from him.

"I'm so gay" Peter chuckled as he pulled away from the kiss.

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