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Peter Parker was an artist. And a damn good one. He could draw anything he thought of. He could draw any emotion. He could draw anything and everything.

He sat in his room with a sketch book he bought himself without aunt May's knowledge. He sat there drawing Black Panther. He only met him a few days ago. He liked his suit and his origin. It was so beautiful. The way T-Challa was brought up. His kind heart.

He drew and drew. Getting lost in his drawing. When he was done he looked at it. All the colors and details fitting perfectly together.

He wanted to give it to the panther but he didn't know if he would except it. He drew all the Avengers but he was always to scared to give it to them.

He hide his drawing in his backpack next to his spidey suit. When he went patrolling, he always made sure his backpack was hidden and protected by his web.

One day he came back and he didn't see his backpack where he left it. All his drawings were gone. All his emotions were gone.

He swung to Stark Tower to forget about his loss. But to his surprise his sketchbook was in Mr. Stark's hand. He watched Tony flip threw the pages.

"Mr. Stark what are you doing?" He asked breathy.

"Did you draw these?" Tony asked looking at the kid.

"Y-Yes sir" Peter said. Wishing and hoping he wouldn't get judged.

"There beautiful" Was all Tony said before handing Peter his sketches back. He walked away leaving a proud spider behind him.

Peter was all happy and bubbly. He didn't even ask how Mr. Stark found his backpack. Speaking of backpack. Peter saw it on the coffee table next to Peter's favorite white fluffy couch. He grabbed it and went out a widow Tony installed for him, so he wouldn't have to take the elevator.

He went home and slept thinking about the compliment the tin man gave him.

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