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The delicous smell drifts through the air

It's summer and laughter,

It's love and life

I know the taste will be sweet, 

A warm, fluffy cloud

Drifting lightly on my taste buds

And oh, the frosting--

So many ways for that to taste!

Rich and cool, sweet and light

Chocolatey and sensual,

or vanilla's mouth-watering embrace.

And yet it saddens me,

Looking at the cupcake,

Because I know it will be like summer--

Sweet and freeing,

And over far too soon

One bite, two

Oh, the taste, the wonderful taste!

Three bites, four,

And the last of the cupcake is gone,

Leaving nothing but the faint taste and smell

Much like that of after a summer

of laughs and friendship,

A lingering reminder of the sun-light world


Hey guys! Sorry about this poem, I know it's not the best, and not edited or anything, but it was written in like 15 minutes off the top of my head, and I felt like I owed BlueApplez. SHE IS NOT SILENT!

No, really, I love comments! Please check her out-- she's been super nice.

On a side note, I also wrote this because I really hate homework. And this was just the first thing I though of 'cause I'm multi-tasking and making cupcakes and doing homework (yeah, right ;)).

Anywho, check her out!

Bye for now, my fellow Wattpadians!

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