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The sound of joy division filled Nancy's room. It was early in the morning when her alarm clock woke her up signaling that she had to get up and go to school. Lucky for her, it was the last day she had to deal with her teachers breathing down her neck, waiting for homework to be done the way they want it to. She was almost out the door, when her backpack was pulled back, making her fall on her back.

Henry stood above her, smirking. "Weak. Dad says you're riding with me."

Nancy wince as Henry slammed his foot on the ground, close to her fingers. "I'm not getting into that car with you. I have my bike. I don't need you."

"Henry." Oscar bowers' voice made both of them look towards the hallway. There stood their dad with a concerned face. "If she doesn't want to ride in the car then don't fucking make her."

Henry mumbled profanities before walking put the door clearly mad that he didn't get to torture Nancy anymore. "Fucking bitch." He said as he got into his car and drove off.

"You sure you want to ride your bike? I can take you myself." Oscar helped Nancy up.

"I'm sure. Thanks though." Nancy grabbed her backpack and began to walk out the door before Oscar even got to say anything else. She grabbed her bike and started pedaling in the direction of the school. Halfway through the ride, Nancy saw a red balloon floating in the middle of the road. She slowed down, thinking that someone might have left it there, but it all confused her. It was just floating there, not moving from it's position.

Her staring was interrupted by Henry's friend's car honking at her, causing her to fall from her bike. The car pulled up beside her. Henry laughed before spitting in her direction. "Fuck you, Nance." His friends in the backseat laughed at his actions.

Nancy watched as Patrick's car sped off. Just as she was getting up, she winced. She looked over at her elbow and saw blood and a big cut. "Fuck you, Bowers." She got up slowly and grabbed her bike. But didn't even notice that the red balloon had dissapeared.

She had finally made it to the school. Walking with her bike towards the bike rack, she saw Henry leaning against the car, glaring at her. Nancy walked faster and faster, scared of the things Henry might do to her, but she knew she could handle it. Putting her bike in the bike rack, she looked over her shoulder and saw henry pulling out his pocket knife. The school bell rang, Nancy not wasting any second to run inside and into her first class.


Nancy ran up to Richie, Eddie and Bill and greeted them. "But how does it work?" She heard from behind them. The topic of Stan's bar mitzvah was being discussed.

"Hey, idiots, we still talking about that?" Nancy asked.

"They slice the top of his dick off." Eddie nodded.

"That's one way to put it." Nancy giggled. "Wait, but then you'll have nothing left."

"But it is true!" Eddie responded.

"Hey guys!" Stan ran up from behind them.

"Hey Stan, what happens at the bar mitzvah anyway? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-d-dick off." Bill said as the four of them turned the corner.

"Yeah, I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants and he'll tell the audience, 'where's the beef?'" Richie said in a deep voice, causing his friends to laugh.

"At the bar mitzvah, I read from the Torah. . . and then I make a speech and suddenly I become a man." Stan explained.

"There's more funner ways to become a man." Richie said.

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