little dreamer

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Before nancy had left, she left the losers her address and her phone number, in case they ever needed her. She flew back to Washington, still having a hard time believing that her friend was gone. After her flight landed, her assistant, lucy had arranged her driver to pick her up.

"Had a good trip, miss lennon?" Her driver asked with a smile as he opened the back door for her.

"Oh, far from it." She said. Her driver raised an eyebrow. "I saw someone I didn't like very much."

She made it back to her house safely, sylvia waiting outside for her. "Care to explain now?"

Nancy sighed at her mom, before she could even get a chance to say anything, annie and marnie had arrived from walking the dog. "Miss lennon! You're back." Annie hugged nancy.

"Good to be back, thanks for taking care of my baby." Nancy cupped Marnie's cheek and placed kisses all over her face. After explaining everything to sylvia, nancy felt at ease. She didn't want to say anything to marnie about pennywise. Marnie didn't need to know that.

A few days passed by, nancy sat in her backyard watching marnie play with the dog. "Need more days to be yourself again? This company already called lucy asking when you're going to be back at work. I told her that you're going back when you feel like it, but in a nice way." Sylvia gave Nancy a glass of lemonade.

"Thanks, but lennon industries isn't going to run itself. I'm fine." Nancy took a sip from her lemonade. "Whatcha got there?" She asked sylvia.

"Bills, letter from rick, he says hi and he'll be back in a few days. Oh and these letters for you. I'll give you some privacy. Pretty sure it's important." Sylvia handed nancy two letters addressed to her.

Sylvia got up and walked to her granddaughter to play with her while Nancy read the letter. She looked at the letter, the name standing out. Patricia uris

Nancy went inside to read it, knowing that whatever was inside was definitely going to make her cry. She opened it, already having tears in her eyes.

Dear losers,

I know what this must seem like, but this isn't a suicide note. You're probably wondering why I did what I did. It's because I knew I was too scared to go back. And if we weren't together, all of us alive weren't united, I knew we'd all die. So I made the only logical move. I took myself off the board. Did it work? Well if you're reading this, you know the answer. I lived my whole life afraid. Afraid of what would come next, afraid of what I might leave behind. Don't. Be who you wanna be. Be proud. And if you find someone worth holding onto, never ever let them go. Follow your own path. Wherever that takes you.

  A younger looking losers club rode their bikes down the road, happier than ever.

Think of this letter as a promise. A promise I'm asking you to make. To me. To each other. An oath. A bond.

See the thing about being a loser is you don't have anything to lose. So be true. Be brave. Believe. And don't ever forget, we're losers and we always will be.

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