the dream is over

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Nancy walked out of the Uris' household, ignoring the stares of the people gathered around. Patty, still with tears in her eyes, walked over to Nancy. "You're nancy, aren't you?"

Nancy looked down at the ground, giving a nonverbal response. Patty took it as a yes. "He talked about you. A lot actually."

"Mrs. Uris?" A cop had interrupted her. "Can we get a word?"

Patty excused herself and went towardd the cop. She explained what had happened when she first saw Stan. As they talked, Nancy walked to the car, she was determined to kill it for what it did to Stan. He didn't deserve to have his life taken away from him even if he was the one who took it. She glanced one more time at Stan's house. "I promise promise." She whispered to herself and got inside the car, driving off.


By the time she arrived at Maine, Stan's blood had dried up. She had some on her face from when she accidentally wiped her cheek trying to get rid of her tears. She probably looked like a crazy person on the run. She parked in front of an old gas station and took out her phone. She typed in numbers and put her phone up to her ear.

She waited until the person on the other line picked up. "Nance?" Mike spoke.

"It..." she couldn't say his name. At least not anymore for now. "It got-"

"I know. I know. Tell me where you are and I'll come get you." Mike softly said, trying to calm Nancy down.

"I don't want anyone else to die. I can't handle it, Mike." Nancy said in a shaky voice. "It needs to die."

"And it will. We just need to stick together. All of us." Mike's words restored hope in Nancy. "Derry townhouse. You can stay there, we're staying there. Bev says she's not going anywhere without you."

"Mike?" Nancy sobbed.


"Thank you."


Nancy approached Derry townhouse with a frown. She just wanted to curl up in her bed back home with Marnie and fall asleep, but she knew going back home at the moment wasn't an option. As she opened the first set of doors, she heard someone yell.

"Eduardo, andale! Let's go!"

As she opened the second set of doors, she saw an older Richie Tozier standing in the doorway, his bag hung over his shoulders. That's when she heard another voice. "There's something you're not telling us. You knew how Stanley died, you knew."

"Wait what?" Richie asked.

Suddenly Bev came out of the room. She gasped as she saw Nancy standing in front of the door, her face covered in blood. "Nance?"

"She knew how Stanley died? Is that what she just said?" Richie followed Bev and froze as he saw Nancy. "Oh fuck! Holy shit! Why do you like you just came out of a horror movie?"

Nancy ignored Richie and stared at Bev. "You knew?"

Bev didn't have the heart to tell Nancy anything. She just turned around and went up to the front desk, pressing her hand against the bell repeatedly. "Nance?" Ben gasped at the sight of his old friend.

Nancy ignored Ben and followed bev. "How did you know? And why didn't you say something? He could been here with us, with me!"

"Bev!" Ben ran to Beverly trying to get her to talk. "Come on, talk to me. Like we used to. Come on! How did you know?" Bev grabbed a set of keys from the back of the desk.

"Bev, how did you know?" Nancy said getting angrier by the second. Richie scooted away from her, clearly scared from how she looked, plus her getting angry was really something straight out of a horror movie.

"Because I saw it." Bev whispered. "I've seen all of us die."

The three of them stared at Bev in horror. Her words sent shivers down their spines. But it was all over once Eddie arrived with his hands carrying his two suitcases. "Okay, I just have to get my toiletries and then we can go." Eddie set his suitcases down and stared at his friends once he saw them staring back at him."what did I miss?"

Eddie then looked at Nancy with wide eyes. "Holy shit is that Nance?"

"You look at me like that again and I'll shove your inhaler so far up your ass that you won't need it anymore."

"Okay it's definitely you."

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