la vie en rose

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( this is just filler chapter I guess, I wanted to show more of Nancy with the losers and her new life so that's this chapter )

The derry police led Nancy to the station, her gaze still on henry who was covered in Oscar's blood. Her hands were shaking, there was dirt underneath her nails, all she wanted to do was go back home but she knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Where am I going?" Nancy asked the police officer.

"I don't have that mind of information just yet, kid. Sit tight, it'll be a while." Nancy looked at the ground in sadness, which the officer noticed. "You got any family? I could give them a call."

"I need my friends."


The next day, the losers rode their bikes to the foster care house early in the morning. Stan was the first one to arrive at the foster care house. He waited for the losers as they let their bikes drop to the ground. "Is she in there?" Eddie asked.

"No, dipshit. She's in vegas. Of course she's in there." Richie sarcastically said as the losers went up the stairs and bill rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, a woman answered the door.

"Um, i-is nancy h-here?" Bill asked.

"Nancy bowers? She's in her room. I'll show you." The woman, miss flowers, let the losers in and made them follow her up the stairs. A few little kids ran past them chasing each other while a few other sat near a table doing arts and crafts. "Is she always quiet? She doesn't leave her room ever."

Stan felt his heart break right then and there.

They finally made it to a room where Nancy's name was painted on the door. Miss flowers knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Nancy? Your friends are here to see you." She said.

"It's open," nancy said, almost like a whisper.

Miss flowers nodded at the losers and let them enter. Stan was the first one to enter the room. He opened the door, the room was dark except for the only light source coming from the opened window that Nancy was sitting by. He ran over to her and hugged her like his life depended on it. "Hey, we're here too." Richie complained.

"Beep beep richie." Nancy chuckled and stood up from her spot to hug her other friends.

"How are you?" Bev asked.

Nancy sighed. "I'm going to have to get used to this. Unless my mom has some long lost sister that she never told me about."

"Fuck, I know I hated that guy, no offense nance, but henry clearly hated him more." Richie tried to lighten up the mood but clearly failed. His chuckling faded when he noticed his friends stared at him. "Too soon?"

"None taken, trashmouth."


Throughout high school, nancy never left the losers club. No one did. They remained close friends. The day that Nancy got adopted by sylvia and mick ulrich was the happiest day of Nancy's life. She finally felt loved again. After graduating high school, sylvia and mick threw a graduation party for the losers. It mostly involved richie telling bad jokes, which mick found them funny. That was also the night that stan asked nancy to be his girlfriend after many years of knowing each other.

"I just wonder why people hate reading books so much? It keeps me entertained." Nancy shoved her hands in her back pockets as she kicked a stone with her foot. Stan sat on the steps of her parents' house quietly as he watched nancy kick the stone around.

"They probably get bored looking at the tiny letters. I sometimes do." Stan replied. "Unless it's entertaining like poetry or books about something I like."

Nancy looked at him. "Since when do you ready poetry? Not that it's a bad thing,"

"My english teacher made us read some for a project. It's actually pretty cool." Stan nodded.

Nancy then sat beside him, intrigued by his likeness of poetry. "Have you ever made one?"

"I tried to, I'm not very good at it." It was true. He tried his hardest to come up with a poem for Nancy to give to her on her birthday, but nothing came up. Instead, he just gave her a copy of a book she had been dying to read.

"I bet I can come up with one right now." Nancy challenged and closed her eyes. "Roses are red, sunflower are yellow, hold my hand and kiss me mellow." She opened her eyes and looked at stan, waiting for his response.

Stan was a nervous mess. Sure he kissed her before, but this time he knew that it was serious. He leaned and in placed a loving kiss on Nancy's lips. He didn't notice that she had put her hand on his cheek as they kissed. Once he pulled away, he grinned at her. "I really really like you, like a lot."

"Then I guess it's your lucky day, Stanley."

He didn't think twice before asking. He didn't need to.

"would you like to be my girlfriend? i promise promise that I'll be the best boyfriend to you."

She didn't need to think twice about her answer. "Yes."

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