take me back (deja vu)

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After a hot and refreshing shower,  ancy was putting on a pair of converse that definitely reminded her of her childhood. As she finished putting on her shoes, a knock interrupted her. Nancy opened the door and saw Bev. "I would ask you if you're okay but I know you're far from it." Bev said.

Nancy looked down at the ground as tears started to form in her eyes. "This is all too much. I just want him here."

Bev took the opportunity and brought her in a hug. "I know. I do too. And I'm sorry for the pain I caused you for not telling you. I just couldn't."

"You had your reasons." Nancy wiped away her tears. "It's so great to see you, Bev. It really is." Nancy hugged bev tighter and released her once she heard footsteps coming towards them.

"You two shits are adorable, but we do have some shitty ass place to be." Richie  complained from the hallway.


The losers walked through the empty streets of Derry. Leaves and a few crumpled up flyers flew around.  Suddenly everything felt familiar to Nancy. The places she used to play with her friends as kids, everything seemed so familiar. She was starting to remember.

They made their way into the woods, still trying to remember. "The barrons." Bev spoke.

"This is where we came." Ben smiled. "After the rock fight."

"The clubhouse." Richie remembered.

"Holy fuck, you're right." Nancy let out a chuckle.

"You built that for us!" Bev said to Ben.

"Yeah, the hatch has to be around here someplace." Richie said as he and the losers tried to find the hatch. Nancy looked around, trying to find the hatch but she heard Bev let out a gasp. She turned around and saw Bill with Beverly in his arms. He clearly had catched her before she had the chance to fall.

"You know what, I think the door was more like. . ." Ben stomped his foot on the ground trying to find the door to the clubhouse. "Around-" before he could even finish his sentence, Ben fell through the grass.

"Guess he found it." Nancy kicked a rock as she looked down the hole to see ben laying on his stomach.

"I'm okay!" Ben called out. "Come down!"


Bev was the first one down. Nancy followed her down the steps of a clubhouse that Ben had built for them. Nancy stared at the clubhouse in amazement. "What the dick is this? How'd you build it?" Richie asked confused.

"When did you build it?" Bill asked.

"Here and there. I guess." Ben answered. Nancy took a look around and saw what ben had built. "It was already dug out for something so I just had to enforce the walls and get some wood for the door and that's pretty much it. Pretty good for my first time, huh?" Ben leaned against a piece of wood holding up the roof,which caused a piece of wood to fall down.

"Now that's a cool feature. What happens when you put your hand on the other pillar professor?" Richie asked sarcastically.

"Okay you see this is exactly why there are safety codes. Why we have permits. This place is a death trap, you understand that?" Eddie panicked.

"Well it's a work in progress, okay Eddie." Ben said sadly.

"Just so you know, I get hurt, you're reliable. And also what is this? The switch from Iron Maiden?" Eddie pointed at a giant box hanging from a piece of wood.

"It's a flashlight." Ben answered.

"What is that? A horse hitch? When do you have horses, oh this is cool." Eddie picked up one of Ben's belongings which was a paddle ball.

"That was like three dollars so be careful with that please." Ben was not amused by Eddie at all. Eddie then started to hit the ball with the paddle repeatedly in front of Stan's face.

"I have one of these, hey Stan you see this?" Eddie played with the paddle ball.

"Okay yeah can you maybe not?" Stan said annoyed by Eddie's behavior.

"Maybe not what? Maybe not what? Maybe not be awesome and have fun and celebrate the magic of the paddle ball!" Eddie eventually broke Ben's paddle ball. The tiny red ball flung towards where Nancy was standing beside Stan. "Oh good going fucknut, you broke his thing."

"I broke it?" Nancy rolled her eyes at Eddie and Stan's banter.

"Yeah. You broke it with your face!" Eddie confirmed.

"Hey dumbass, that literally makes no sense." Nancy said as she looked for the ball but frowned when she failed to find it."It's down there I think!"

"I'm not putting my fucking hand down there."

And nobody did for twenty seven years.


Eddie crouched down to where the tiny red ball was all those years and picked it up. He blew the dust that covered the small ball as he held onto it. The losers looked around the clubhouse still amazed at how everything they had brought down there was still in it's place.

"I remember this." Nancy picked up a cassette tape with Bev's handwriting scribbled on it. "Sort of."

"Well you better because I think I stole that." Bev took the cassette tape from her hands. She took a good look at it before tossing it over her shoulder.

The quiet and comfortable silence was cut short by a creepy voice. "Hey losers!" The deep voice called out making all of them turn to the direction of where it came from.

"Time to float!" The voice said.

Nancy stumbled backwards as she felt her whole body practically freeze with fear. That fear soon left when a laughing Richie appeared from the shadows. "You fucker!"

"Remember when he used to do that? He'd do that little dance." Richie imitated pennywise by doing a little dance, swaying his arms left to right. "Am I the only one who remembers this shit?"

"Are you gonna be like this the entire time we're home?" Eddie asked annoyed.

"Alright. Just trying to add some levity to this shit. I'll go fuck myself."

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