family cake

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An: stan and eddie came back from the dead and are living happy and healthy lives with Richie and Nancy and all the losers.

In which the losers reunite to celebrate Marnie's birthday

Nancy groaned, she turned to her side and saw stan still sleeping peacefully. His soft curls covering parts of his face, while the sunlight shined on the couple. She took the opportunity to admire the beautiful man laying beside her. It wouldn't take long before marnie would run to their bedroom and jump on their bed to get them to wake up.

"Do I have something on my face?" Stan mumbled. He opened one eye and winked at Nancy, which caused her to laugh.

"Beauty. Pure beauty." Nancy placed a chaste kiss on stan's cheek. She rolled over to her right side and looked at the clock. "We should probably get up before Marnie comes in. She's excited to see the losers."

Marnie was turning ten, stan thought it would be a fun idea to throw her a birthday party even inviting many of her classmates. He went all out. Setting up princess themed decorations on tables and hanging up a happy birthday banner by the door. He wanted his daughter to have the best birthday ever.
Nancy baked the cake, almost giving up but stan helped towards the end.

Marnie knocked on the door and waited until stan or Nancy opened the door. It took a few seconds before stan got up to open the door and kiss Marnie's face, wishing her a happy birthday. "Happy birthday my sweet girl." Stan mumbled against the side of her head. He brought her to the bed and set her down next to nancy.

Nancy kissed marnie's face, then signed to her 'happy birthday'. Marnie smiled back and gave her mom a tight hug.

The three of them got out of bed and changed into fresh clothes for the party that would take place in a few hours. Nancy's mom and dad were the first ones to arrive then a couple of classmates of Marnie's. After putting a few presents on the table inside, the doorbell rang. Nancy walked over to the front door and opened it, revealing the losers with presents in their hands.

"Hey mamma nance! Where's my fucking niece?" Richie shoved the present in Nancy's hand and searched for the birthday girl.

"She is playing with her friends. And really? Mama nance? So original richard." Nancy rolled her eyes, letting the losers enter her home. "How are you guys?"

"Happy to see my favorite adorable family, everything is so lovely." Bev looked around the decorations as they walked outside.

"This was all stan. I baked the cake and made some snacks for the kids." Nanch smiled proudly.

"You know what we should do for her next birthday? We should get a monkey! Oh, maybe a mechanic bull!"

"Richie, no." Stan shouted and eddie shouted.

"You are never allowed to pick out our kids' theme for their party." Eddie groaned.

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