mean street

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Richie and Bill were fighting. The losers tried to separate them but each time they did, Richie would throw himself back at bill, trying to punch him. "Fuck you!" Richie yelled at Bill.

"Stop! We were together when we hurt it. That's why we're still alive." Bev explained.

"Yeah? Well I plan to keep it that way."


Nancy had gone to where her and Stan used to hang out almost everyday that summer. It was the roof of an old record store that she loved going to. As she got onto the roof, she noticed that all her stuff she brought up there was still in it's original place like an old blanket her and Stan laid on and some board games. Nancy chuckled as she remembered Stan telling her that she had cheated at a game of uno.

"You never changed the color." Namcy whispered to herself, remembering Stan's exact words to her. That was also the day that Stan gifted something he made to Nancy.


Stan set aside the uno cards and handed Nancy a small wooden box. "I made it. It's honestly not that great but I tried. I read somewhere that basswood was the best for carving, at least for beginners. You'll probably hate it." He shyly said as Nancy opened the box.

Inside was a wooden heart with 'n+s' carved into the middle of it. It was attached to a silver chain. "What makes you think I can hate this beautiful necklace?"

She got the necklace out from the box and unclipped it. "Stan, you made this so it automatically makes it more special. Thank you." She kissed his cheek and asked him if he could put it on her. He did so and watched in amazement as the girl he loved smiled at him.

"It looks good on you." He said.

"Well I don't plan on taking it off."


She lied. She did take it off. She took it off when she was leaving to Washington. The wooden box Stan had put the necklace in was underneath an old couch that was already there when Stan and Nancy got there. She walked over to the couch and stuck her hand underneath it to retrieve the wooden box. When she felt it, she let out a sigh of relief and opened the box to see the necklace still there.

Nancy took the necklace out and ran her thumb over her and Stan's initials on it. "What makes you think I could hate this beautiful necklace?" She repeated her words from years ago.
She knew deep down that this was her token that Mike had told the losers about. This had to be it.

As she put the box back, the sound of the Everly brother's song 'All I Have
To Do Is Dream' filled Nancy's ears. She slowly turned her head and followed the song. It was coming from inside the store that was abandoned. She took it as a sign to get out of there as soon as possible. She put the necklace around her neck and used the ladder to get down. As she made it to the bottom, a loud bang came from a dumpster beside her that made her flinch.

"I can make you mine taste your lips of wine..."

Her mom would play that song when she had trouble sleeping because of the Moonlight man.

Nancy turned the other way, ready to run, but a tall figure blocked her way. She fell to the ground and saw that the figure was dripping blood. She slowly raised her head and saw the moonlight man staring back down ag her with a crooked smile. "Time to dream, Killjoy." He said in a deep voice and went to grab Nancy, but she quickly got up and ran out of the alleyway. As much as she ran, the alleyway just kept getting longer and longer.

"It's time to dream and never wake up!" She heard the Moonlight man's voice from behind her. She kept running until she stopped and turned around.

"You're not real! You were never real." Her mom told her that she could stand up to anything if she believed. "You're not real." She closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them. Once she did, the Moonlight man was no where in sight. Nancy let out a sigh of relief and turned to walk away but the corpse of her dead mom surpised her.

"Come give your mom a hug?" The decomposing corpse extended it's arms at Nancy.

Nancy screamed and grabbed the nearest object which was a piece of wood with some nails sticking out on one end. She hit her mom's head with the piece of wood and ran to safety. "Is that the right way to greet your mom?" The corpse asked angrily.

Nancy made it out of the alleyway into the daylight and hid behind a mail drop box.

"Who are you hiding from?" A kid asked her which caused Nancy to let out a shriek.

"None of your business." Nancy mumbled. "Don't you have someplace to be?"

The kid smirked. "None of your business." The kid stormed off.

Nancy leaned her head back and groaned as the drop box made a loud sound. "I hate Derry."

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