rebel girl

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In which the bill, stan, richie and eddie meet nancy (in the most badass way! - richie)

"Let's go, killjoy, I'm not waiting for your sorry ass anymore." Henry bumped into nancy as he passed my her. She glared at him as he left the house.

Elizabeth would always drive her to school, but she had to leave to go to the doctors. She was dying and only her and oscar knew. Oscar had driven Elizabeth to her doctors appointment then left for work. That meant nancy had to have henry drive her to school.

As nancy grabbed her backpack and exited the house, she saw henry getting into his friends car and driving off. "I told you I wasn't waiting for you!" He yelled as he laughed, patrick driving off.

Nancy watched as henry laughed at her. She sighed. The only thing left was to bike to school. She never missed a day of school and she wasn't going to miss one because of Henry leaving her behind. She grabbed her bike, looking at her watch one last time.

"Fifteen." She said to herself. She had exactly fifteen minutes to get to school.

She paddled faster than she ever did. By the time she got to school, she had seven minutes left. Perfect. Nancy left her bike on the bike rack, adjusting her backpack. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw henry laughing with his friends. "Oh wow, stupid over here actually cares about education." Henry smirked.

"Does she even know how to read?"

"She's probably slow."

Nancy grew angrier and angrier by the second. She looked down at the ground. She had enough of Henry's teasing. "Worthless piece of-" henry didn't get a chance to even finish his sentence since Nancy grabbed a broken tree branch and slammed it on the side of Henry's head.

Everyone around them gasped as Nancy threw the tree branch on the floor. She took a look at henry, who was holding the side of his head on the ground. "Who's the slow one?"

Henry's friends looked at her in shock. They always knew Nancy as a shy girl. Now, she was different. She stood up to henry in her own way. "Bitch!" Henry yelled at her as she walked away.

Eddie, bill, stan and richie watched from the side, as did almost the whole entire school. They kept staring at the bowers gang until Henry got up from the ground. "Holy shit! Did you see that?! She just ended him!" Richie said excited at what he just witnessed.

"Really? I didn't notice." Stan rolled his eyes.

"Someone needs to thank her. She's my hero now." Richie nodded.

"Y-you have her-r for s-spanish." Bill said, walking into school. "She s-sits in the b-back."

"I have her for math. She sits in the back too." Stan pointed out. "She's pretty good at math. Well sometimes."

"I've seen her during lunch. She sits outside. We should ask her to sit with us." Eddie smiled.

"I'll ask her." Stan said a little too quickly.

"Sure, then fall in love with her too while you're at it." Stan smacked the side of richie's head.

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