fire in the hole

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Bev passed her phone to mike once bill answered. "Bill, we're at the library. Where are you?" Mike asked while ben wrapped his arm.

"He killed the little kid, mikey. R-right in fucking front of me!"

Mike quickly got up. "No, no, no, no! Just come here to the library and we'll think about a plan."

"No, I'm gonna go kill it."

"No! Bill!"

Bill ended the call before mike even had a chance to convince him to come over to the library. Nancy held onto richie as she looked over at mike. "He's going to fight it alone."

"We'll he's still the same dumbass." Nancy shook her head.

"It's about the group, the ritual doesn't work without the group. Doing it together is why it worked!" Mike placed an object that confused Nancy even more about whatever ritual mike wanted to do. Richie picked it up and examined it. The container in his hands had markings on the sides. Nancy looked at it, but didn't get a better look since mike snatched the container from richie's hands.

"Did he tell you where he was going?" Ben asked.

"If he really wanted to kill pennywise, there's only one place he'll go." Bev said.

"The same place the ritual needs to be performed." Mike explained.

"Oh, we're not gonna like this, are we?" Eddie sighed.

Nancy walked over to Eddie's side and flicked his forehead. "Eh, rituals and shit, makes it sound like we're in a cult."


The losers arrived just in time to see bill almost stepping foot inside neibolt. Bev interrupted him by shouting his name. "No! No, you guys, no! I s-stared all's my f-fault you're all here. This curse, this fucking thing that's inside you all, it started growing the day that I m-made you go down to the barrens because all I cared about was finding," he took a second to say his little brother's name. "Georgie.."

"N-now I'm gonna go in there, and I don't know w-what's gonna happen, but I can't ask you to do this.." bev ignored bill and grabbed a metal rod that had been there for many years.

"We're not asking you either." Bev said confidently.

Nancy nodded her head. "Hey, we are not letting you go in there alone no matter what. Even if sometimes you're annoying as hell."

"We didn't do it alone then, bill, so we're not going to do this alone now." Mike said.

"Losers stick together." Ben spoke.

The losers looked at bill proudly until eddie broke the silence. "So does somebody wanna say something?"

Bill looked over at richie with a smile. "Richie said it b-best when we were h-here last."

"I did?" Richie asked confused by what bill meant. "I don't wanna die?" He guessed.

"Not that."

"You're lucky we're not measuring dicks?"

Nancy sighed dramatically. "You know all the times where I think you were dropped on your head as a baby? This is that time."

"Jeez, sorry!" Richie yelled at her. "Wait! Uh, let's kill this fucking clown?" He questioned at bill. Bill's smile was all he needed for conformation.

"Let's kill this fucking clown."

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