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The events of the well house haunted Nancy. She was paranoid. To make it worse, she still received teasing from henry. One day as she came back from the local music store in town, she passed by a building where stan's bar mitzvah was going to be held. Nancy got off her bike and looked down at her clothes whic consisted of an old band shirt her mom had left her, a black and dark green flannel, her beat up red converse and some high waisted jean shorts. Not the best way to attended a bar mitzvah.

Nancy entered the building and saw many people dressed in fancy clothing. She even saw richie in a bright blue suit sitting and listening to stan. She noticed that stan had looked over at her and smiled at her. She gladly returned it.

As august rolled in, nancy had spent most of her time in the music store or with stan learning about different kinds of birds. She had also spent most of her time away from home which oscar failed to notice.

"That's a graycatbird." Nancy pointed at the bird as it landed in front of her.

"You remembered." Stan smiled and saw that she had pulled out a small book and opened it to reveal the names of the birds and tiny drawings of them.

"I remembered." She nodded. "Of course I did."

Half an hour later, nancy and stan decided to go into town for ice cream, but that didn't go as planned since bill had told them that it had taken beverly. Nancy didn't hesitate to follow bill to go save her friend. The losers rode on their bikes all the way to the well house, mike bringing a bolt gun as a weapon.

Once they finally made it, the losers except stan, let their bikes fall to the ground. "Guys spikes." Bill said. He grabbed the spikes from the ground and put them in his backpack while eddie grabbed his fanny pack and threw it away. Richie grabbed an empty glass bottle and smashed it against the railing in hopes of making it into a weapon, but dropped the bottle once he realized it had broken most of the bottle.

"Hey." Nancy called out to richie. She then tossed him a folding knife that she had received from oscar.

Richie catched it and looked at Nancy. "Okay whose bright idea was it to give this motherfucker a knife?"

Bill was the first one to go in the house, the losers following. Nancy had told bev that she couldn't go back into the house, but she would risk it all for her friend. During the summer, bev and Nancy had developed a close bond. When they weren't with the losers, they would hang out at behind the music store, bev smoking and nancy talking about stan.

Nancy looked back and saw that stan had not moved a muscle. "Stan?" She called out to the curly haired boy.

The losers turned their attention to him and saw that he was scared. "Stan we all have to go." Bill said. "B-beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But if we s-stick together, all of us, we'll win. I promise."

Stan slowly stepped into the house, still feeling scared. The losers followed bill further in, but Nancy waited for stan. "It's okay, I'm scared too. I won't leave your side and you won't leave mine?"

"I promise promise." Stan whispered to her.

Nancy grabbed a hold of his hand and led him to the rest of their friends. They shined their flashlights all around, only cobwebs and rats were seen. They made their way down to the basement where a well was present. "Hey eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked as he shined his flashlight down the well.

"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." Eddie admitted.

No matter how many flashlight they shined, the only thing that they could see was darkness. "Beverly?" Ben called out, his voice echoing.

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