dead souls

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Nancy made it home before Oscar and Henry, which meant she had the house to herself. Sometimes, she would stay at Bill or Richie's until Oscar came back from work. Neither Bill or Richie questioned it. They liked having Nancy around. She leaned her bike against the fence and walked inside the house. It was clean as most house. But she still called it home. Sort of.

Her feet led her to the kitchen, where food was scattered. She got the nearest chair and positioned it in front of the fridge and got on it. Nancy looked through the tons of cereal boxes until she found her favorite, cap'n crunch. As she was getting down from the chair, a tapping noise was heard.

"Henry?" Nancy called out. But she got no response. Oscar wasn't supposed to be home until later in the day. Henry was most likely with his friends.

The tapping noise was getting louder and louder. Nancy shut her eyes tight, thinking it was all in her head. She got the courage to open her eyes and immediately regretted it. A giant man with a missing eye and crooked teeth was in front of her. It's skin was peeled off and it's hands were missing a few fingers. "Time to float, killjoy!" The monster yelled in Nancy's face.

Nancy screamed and tried to run away but the monster had grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his mouth. "Don't you wanna be with mommy?" He said in a low voice.

"You're not real!" Nancy kicked the monster's leg repeatedly until the monster let her wrist go. She ran towards the door and ran into Henry. "There's a monster in the house! The one you told me about!"

"Get off of me, killjoy." Henry pushed her off.

"The moonlight man! He's in there!" Nancy tried to explain but henry just ignored her and walked right into the house. Then, Henry stopped at the door and turned around to face her.

"Good luck sleeping tonight, killjoy." Henry smirked and locked the door. "If you tell dad that I'm not coming home, you're going to wish you died instead of Elizabeth."

Nancy glared at him. He would always bring up her mom's name. That was one of the main reasons she hated henry. "Nance?" Eddie's voice called out to her. She turned around and saw stan, Bill, Richie and Eddie with their bikes waiting by the fence.

"Get your loser friends and get out of here." Henry flicked her forehead. "Don't even think about coming back. He doesn't care about you. No one does."

Nancy looked down at her feet and walked towards her bike. She walked with her bike until she reached her friends and said nothing. "Are you o-o-okay?" Bill asked.

Nancy nodded. Saying nothing and still lying.

"We're going to the sewers. You down?" Richie asked. He clearly knew she wanted to be anywhere but inside that house with Henry inside. Nancy just got onto her bike and waited for her friends to follow her. "Guess she is down."

The whole ride to the sewers was an attempt to make Nancy feel better. And it worked. Richie telling jokes, Bill and Eddie having a race and Stan riding beside her telling Richie that his jokes were bad. Finally, they had made it to the sewers.

"Gross, but cool. But gross." Nancy said as she let her bike fall to the ground and saw how big the sewers were.

"That's poison ivy. And that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy." Stan pointed to the plants he saw.

Eddie panicked. "Where? Where's the poison ivy?"

"Great. Now he's not going to help. Thanks Stanley." Nancy said sarcastically.

"Nowhere. Not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley." Richie said to Stan. He and Bill entered the sewer tunnel, Nancy sighing before remembering that she had worn her 'nice shoes'. A pair of beat up red high top converse.

"Okay, well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure-" Richie cut him off.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" He asked Eddie.

"Sometimes, yeah."

"Then you probably have crabs." Richie simply said.

"That's so not funny."

"Speak for yourself." Nancy chuckled and followed Richie. She was about to go further in when Richie turned around and saw that Stan and Eddie had not moved from their places. "Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie asked.

"Uhuh, that's greywater." Eddie shook his head.

"What the hell is greywater?" Richie asked confused.

"It's basically piss and shit so I'm just telling you.." Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of derry pee."

Nancy sighed and looked at eddie. "I will throw you in here if you don't shut up with your facts."

Richie got a stick from the water and held it up to his nose to smell it. "Are, are you serious?" Eddie asked.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor."

"I can smell it from here!" Eddie said.

"It's probably your breath walking back into your face."

"Have you ever heard of a staph infection?"

"Oh I'll show you a staph infection!"

Nancy didn't pay attention to Richie and Eddie's banter. Instead, her attention was on the shoe that bill had found. Bill shined his flashlight on it and saw a name written inside. It was betty rimpson's shoe. She could tell.

"Hey, morons!" Nancy called out to her friends. Bill turned around and showed them the shoe.

"Shit, don't tell me that's..." Stan trailed off.

"Georgie was wearing galoshes." Bill said.

Nancy approached Bill and proved herself right. "It's Betty Rimpson's."

"Shit. Oh god, oh fuck. I don't like this." Eddie said scared.

"How do you think Betty feels. Running around these tunnel with only one freaking shoe." Richie bounced on one leg as he looked over at Nancy to see if she had laughed. She didn't.

Stan broke the silence. "What if she's still here?"

His question made Nancy feel scared. What if she was? The only thing that came to Nancy's mind was finding Betty dead. That's something she didn't want to experience. "Eddie come on!" Richie called out to eddie.

"My mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out we were playing down here. I'm serious." Eddie panicked. "Bill?"

"If I was Betty rimpson, I would want us to find me." Bill said. "Georgie too."

Georgie had been a sensitive topic for Bill. Why wouldn't it be? But he was conviced that he was still out there. "What if I don't wann find them? I mean, no offense Bill, but I don't wanna end up like..." Eddie didn't want to say Georgie.

"I don't wanna go missing either."

"He has a point." Stan said.

"Really, Stanley?" Nancy raised an eyebrow.

"It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun! This isn't fun. This is scary and disgusting." Stan was scared by the sudden movement behind him. It was a kid.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Richie said as he walked out of the sewer. Stan and Eddie ran to help the kid up. Nancy recognized his face. She had seen him walking around the hallways, him also being one of the many people that try to avoid Henry and his friend as much as possible.

"Henry did this?" Nancy asked as Stan and Eddie helped him out of the water.

Everyone knew the answer.

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