7. Uhh...

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"W-what are you people??"

After hearing that they all turned to where the voice was coming from. It was hermione, Ron and Harry! "Uh..." Erza responded, trying to figure out a convincing excuse. "It was just some new spells we were trying out." Lucy said, saving her. "A-alright, you were just trying out some new spells." Harry said looking like he really didn't believe what Lucy was saying. "If it really was a spell then could you teach it to us?" Hermione said trying to figure out what they were actually doing. "Well... actually we made the potion a long time ago and we just tried it now. It's a one time use thing. So you can't use it." Erza told her.

"Then can we see the potion?" Hermione asked still not buying their story. "YOU CANT!" Lucy screamed. She fake coughed and talked again. "I mean you can't... because..." Lucy quickly looks around as if trying to figure out something to say until she saw natsu. "Natsu ate it!" She said quickly. "He... ate it? He ate the potion bottle too?" Harry asked in disbelief. "Yes... yes he did." Erza replied.

"Ok then, would you mind telling us why your teachers are here?" Ron asked. This time we could answer truthfully. "Well, our headmaster allowed us to spend time with the teachers and not be separated. So, it would be how we were back home. And I'm sure Mira likes this arrangement the most. Isn't that right Mira~" Lucy told them with a smug look on her face.

Saying that made both Laxus and Mira's face to turn beet red. It looked like the golden trio was very confused, so Erza explained it to them. "Mira and Laxus both like each other but are too proud to admit it. So, whenever someone brings it up they both start blushing like crazy." After saying that they made an 'O' face.

"T-that's not t-true!" Mira said trying to stop blushing. "Sure..." Levy said not believing it. "But..." Harry started saying. "Yes?" I asked. "Well isn't Mr. Dreyer a teacher and isn't Mirajane a student? Isn't that not allowed at your school?" He curiously questioned. Being the idiot natsu is he started rambling on about stuff that happens at fairy tail. Like 'Well actually Mira runs the ba-', 'Mira And Laxus are the s-' and 'You should see th-'. Before he could finish any of his sentences, Erza would always hit his head so he would stop talking. Which received weird looks from the golden trio.

"Well anyways we have to get to class. It starts in 5 minutes!" Hermione exclaimed. "We have divinisation next. What ever that is." Lucy said wondering.


"Divinisation sucks! It's sooo boring!" The bitch Malfoy said. To which everyone from fairy tail started laughing at. "Cana's our teacher this year. There's no way this is going to be boring!" Natsu yelled dying of laughter along with everybody else. Thinking of how stupid they are to think that a class with Cana would be boring.

That is until Cana came in wearing her usual outfit. A checkered white a blue top that looks like a bikini top, and black pants that stop at her shins, with a pink belt on her waist. And of course she has to  have her barrel of booze.

"Bloody hell! She's wearing practically nothing, she looks like she's drunk and that barrel doesn't seem like butter beer!" Malfoy said disgusted. "You're *hic* right. It's *hic* not butter *hic* beer. It's *hic* meh booooooze~" Cana said struggling to stay straight. But them immediately sobering up.

"I'm your new divinisation teacher and I'm going to teach you with cards!" She told them, which Malfoy just had to comment on. "We can't use cards to tell the future. What are you? Mad?" Cana had a smug look on her face afterwards and called up Lucy and Malfoy. When Lucy got there Cana asked her something. "Wait what? But... you only taught me that once I don't know if I can do it again..." Lucy said unsure. "Don't worry about it just try that spell I taught you during the S-class trials." Cana told her patting her back.

"Fine," She replied. She lifted up one of the cards and pointed it at Malfoy who was right in front of her, and said something inaudible. Then, out of know where a giant puddle of water came crashing down onto him. "See cards can also be used to fight." Cana said that got everyone's attention. Once again something inaudible was said and she threw the cards. When they hit the wall, the wall split in two. "W-wow," and "h-huh?" Was heard all around.

"You're super powerful!" Someone yelled. "Nah. That was nothing. I could teach you guys that in 10 minutes." Cana told them. She taught all the the students except for her guild mates, the fairy tail students. She already knew they already knew how to do this.

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