21. Don't Underestimate Wendy!

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Wendys sudden declaration startled everyone. They didn't expect Wendy of all people to make a declaration like that. However, she immediately shrunk back into herself, trying to make her self as small as possible once she saw all the eyes on her.

"I — I mean," she was trying to correct herself. She didn't actually want to participate she just wanted everyone else to stop fighting. "I second that," Romeo said from the back. A few murmurs were heard from the spectators until they all eventually agreed.

The ones were were fighting stopped, they looked at each other and nodded. 'we agree, we think that Wendy would be the best one of us to participate." Erza said. "She's also the one who's least likely to destroy everything." Lucy interjected. Some nods were visible throughout the spectators.

"Then its settled," Natsu cheered, "Wendy will participate!" Everyone cheered, while Wendy just stood still, frozen in shock about the fact that she actually had to participate. She believed that someone — anyone, else, would be better suited to compete in something so big for their guild.

"Wendy's tuff, she'll be able to handle it." Gray patted Wendy's back. She just nervously chuckled. ". . . Totally," she didn't believe herself. "See!" He grinned.

For the duration of the next week, Wendy trained non-stop; she didn't want to disappoint her guild. "Sky dragon. . . ROAR!" Her roar got stronger, as well as all her other magic. She was drained of almost all her magic by the end of each day. Only to get right up again after it replenished a bit.

Fairy tail would watch all of her practices and cheer her on. Everyone else though, they would just stare at her for two reasons: either because they were confused about how a little girl could be so strong, or, because the were wondering why the forest kept getting more and more destroyed.

By the time the week was over and it was time for the second task, Wendy thought she was a least a little prepared — even though she had no idea what it was. All she was told was, she needed to have a bathing suit on.

When she got there, she was wearing a navy blue one-piece bathing suit with white rims. It looked like any typical anime school swim suit. She stood on her platform along with the rest of the champions. Wendy looked around to see what the others were wearing.

When she looked at Fleur, she blushed and went into an emo corner. She kept mumbling to herself, "how can somebody have a bathing suit that fits them so perfectly." Although, when it was about to start, she went back to her place and shook that thought out of her head.

Back in the fairy tail stands (they needed an entire stand just for the guild), Master was wondering where Romeo was. "Hey, Natsu, have you seen Romeo?" He asked. Natsu shook his head. He kept asking around and everyone responded with a, "no," or they shook their head. "Where could he be?" He scratched his head,but went back to watching Wendy. He knew where ever Romeo was, he was safe, he was a fairy tail member after all.

Wendy received the instructions that she was supposed to do. She listened carefully to every word that was said, not wanting to mess up. Apparently, she was supposed to rescue something that was dear to her. Carla wasn't here, so who could it be? She had an idea of how she could breathe underwater.

She was going to activate her dragon force so that she could control the pocket of air around her and be able to breathe. The signal to start boomed and all the others had something that would let them breathe underwater.

She closed her eues and sucked in some air, then opened her eyes. A surge of magic power went through her and she she activated her dragon force. Her navy blue hair was changed into a light pink and her arms and legs had white arm/leg bands shaped like wings.

Fairy tail started cheering hysterically. They knew that Wendy had planned something, why else would she open her dragon force? The others sceptically looked at the rowdy guild, then at Wendy.

She was the only one who hasn't left yet; everyone else left in a rush. She stayed and to the wizards, casted some sort of spell. To the mages, they saw that she activated her dragon force.

she sucked in another breath of air and felt her power overflowing. Hopefully, I can keep this up until I can rescue the thing that's 'dear,' to me. Wendy thought to herself. "This pocket of air is now mine to control!" She yelled. As she did, more power flowed from her as the air around her became thicker and thicker, until you could visibly see it protecting her.

With that, she dived in.

A/N: WoW, 4K. FoUr FrIkIn' ThOuSaNd ReAdS! Did I ever thank you guys properly? 'Cause if not, thank you sooooo much!!! Also, I'm going to try and post a new chapter before Christmas and the one after that will be before New Years.

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