12. Zeref Makes a Move

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The mages started cheering vigorously, chanting, "Erza, Erza, Erza!" With big smiles on their faces. "Go Titania!" She could hear some people say. The wizards had no idea what they were talking about and were very confused.

"hey hermione, do you know why there referring to someone from a Shakespeare book?" Harry asked. She shook her head in response. "Let's ask them." Ron suggested. They looked for the closest person from fairy tail and saw Lucy. "Let's ask her." harry pointed.

"Hey Lucy," they walked up to her while waving, "why do keep referring to her as Titania? Wasn't titania a character from a Shakespeare book. The queen of the fairies I think she was." Hermione suspiciously asked. "Well, that's simple," Lucy put on a bright smile, "It's because she is the queen of the fairies."

"What do you mean?"

"Simple, she's fairy tails strongest female ma — I mean wizard. She's one of the only S-rank wizards." Lucy explained.

'I don't get it.' They all thought, but stopped asking questions and continued watching.

"What's happening?" gajeel yelled.

He saw Erza in her heavens wheel armour, while struggling against the dragon, who is (somehow) unscathed. "Wait!" Erza yelled making everyone shut up. "This dragon. . ." She fumbled to find the right words. "It's magic, its Zeref! I'd recognize it anywhere! It's strength is being enhanced by Zerefs magic and its injury's are healing from time magic!" Erza yelled out to the audience. No one but fairy tail knew what she was talking about when she said, 'time magic,' and 'enhancing magic,' and they jumped down from the stands and the waiting area (for those who are still competing).

"Makarov, is this dragon being possessed by your enemy?" Dumbledore asked. Makarov sadly nodded. "I have a request of you," He started rubbing his small beard, "After this dragon is defeated — which I know it will be — please end this task and Give my children the golden eggs for the next task."

"Of course." Was his simple reply.

Back at the battle, fairy tail was staying on the defensive, not being able to attack while protecting the students, who could only stare in awe at their strength. "Fire dragon. . . ROAR!" Natsu yelled. "Requip: Adamantine Armour," Erzas body glowed and she requipped into her armour. They both went after the dragon at once, Natsu was dodging the dragons attacks, slowly making his way towards it. Erza used her shield that could block a Jupiter canon fire and was blocking all the spectators from getting hit.

"Open, gate of the crab, Cancer! Open gate of the lion, Leo! Open, gate of the maiden, Virgo! Open gate of the bull, Taurus!" Chimes could be heard with clock hands moving as Lucy summoned her spirits. "And, Stardress: Taurus!" She added.

"Ice make: Ice lance!" Gray yelled. The three of them attacked at once while Erza was still protecting the spectators. The rest of fairy tail who wasn't participating, were also helping to protect everyone while Wendy, Erza, gray, natsu and Lucy were fighting.

"Ile Vernier,

Ile Arms,

Ile Armour," Wendy added and almost immediately their speed and strength skyrocketed and the amount of injury's they sustained became less and less.

"Requip: Robe of Yuen!" Erza changed from defensive to offensive. The four of them (along with Lucy's spirts) charged at the dragon with one attack, while Wendy stayed behind and sustained the enchantements.



A/N: Sorry for the late update, I'll try to update the next one sometime this week hopefully.

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