30. The Final Battle

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"Why did you guys all raise your finger?" Ron asked Erza. "Well, its kind of like our . . . Well, we do that to show that we support each other and that we have each other's backs." Erza smiled fondly at her memories (happy ones).

"Wow . . ." That was way deeper than he thought it would be. It looked so childish to him at first, but hearing why they did it made him have a new unspoken respect for it.


"Guys! They're here!" Levy yelled. Then, as if on que, a giant attack of magic flew through the doors and broke the wall. Thankfully, no one got hurt, everyone was able to dodge it. "That was close." Everyone ignored that statement and focused all of their attention onto the area where the attack came from.

Walking through it were death eaters — only four, but still enough to do a lot of damage. Seeing the enemy clearly, they all readied themselves for a fight. They trained some different strategies to use on them, just in case. At this time, they were thankful that they learned it, otherwise, they would be clueless about what to o now.

"Now!" Someone from the Ravenclaw house yelled wile pointing a finger. Some others nodded and ran somewhere. "Ready! Aim! Fire!" Hermione yelled to those who mastered mixing their magic together. They stood beside each other in pais and prepared to attack. They looked at each other as if silently saying, 'ready?' Before launching the attack.

With the ten pairs that attacked, most of them missed, since they were aiming randomly instead of finding a specific target to attack. They repeated this process over and over again. All the houses were fighting with everything they've learned, the Ravenclaw's telling them where to go from a distance.

The team that always seems to blow up villages, however, weren't part f the fighting with the death eaters. Since the four that were originally sent were defeated, Voldemort and Zeref sent all of the death eaters to fight them. Team Natsu was busy searching for the cause of the problem; Zeref and Voldemort.


When they finally fond them, they were out of breath and their stamina was running out. It was a long run that they sprinted and thy were still human, they needed to rest. When they finally found them however, it felt like their stamina had suddenly replenished itself, adrenaline was coursing through their veins and made them for energetic than ever.

Natsu was the first to move against Zeref, him being the only one who wouldn't die around him. He dove straight in, trying to land a punch on the black wizards chest. At the very last minute, Zeref dodge and side-stepped away from him, chopping is neck in the process, making him fall flat o the ground.

Natsu just tched in response and stood right back up. This time, he tried landing a kick on Zeref's face. He dodges again and as soon as he did, Natsu followed his movements and changed the trajectory of his movements and flipped mid-air, controlling the way he landed by positioning himself right above his brother.

When he was barely an inch away from him and the tips of his hair was about to be cut off, Zeref grabbed Natsu's leg and flipped him multiple times and through him into a wall. That wall crushed under the pressure and Natsu ended up underneath all of it.

Th other four that were fighting Voldemort weren't having much luck either. Every attack they tried would just get dodged or blocked by magic. "Ice make: Hammer!" Gray yelled in his usual stance, and built a hammer easily the size of himself and positioned it right above Voldemort. Before it hit, Voldemort used a very powerful fire magic and destroyed it.

He the used another powerful spell and pushed the four of them to the ground. When they tried attacking again, he simply attacked wth something even more powerful. Lucy, Wendy, Ezra and Gray wee all bleeding and definitely ha lots of bruises. They were at the brink of exhaustion and they could barley get off the ground. Natsu was no different, he was just as beaten — if not worse — and all the the fives' adrenaline was nearly run out.

"Just give up." Zeref taunted. "What's the point in fighting us anyways, you know you're going to lose anyways, so why put up the fighting?" The two villains asked at the same time, even though they were on different sides of the castle. "Why . . .?" Wendy grinned. She slowly stood up, clutching her stomach, the others slowly following suite. "Well that's easy," Natsu said.

"We fight for our friends!" Memories came like waves, invading their brain with all the happy, sad and energetic moments with everyone, on Earthland and on Earth. "And we refuse to lose," gray said. "Because, if we lose here and now, then that endangers the lives of our fiends," Lucy continued. "And don't get us wrong, we didn't come here just to die. Because, we, the mages of fairy tail don't die for our friends, we liv for them!"

Immediately, a surge of energy burst through all of them and they could keep up, and attack different attacks that would land. Their movements were faster and blurs were the only way to see them. "Even if you kill me, I won't die,"Voldemort smiled.

"I doubt that," harry said, coming up to the field they were battling on, also bruised and bleeding. "I — we've, killed all of them." He didn't believe that he needed to elaborate on what he was talking about, Voldemort knew exactly what he was talking about. "Wait, that means . . ." His voice trailed off as he realized that he was dying, all the pieces that he embedded his soul into were destroyed, making him die too.

"One down," Gray muttered under his breath. Natsu was still engaged in battle, but this time, when they looked at him fighting,he had the rest of their guild backing him up. "H — How are you not dying by being near me?!" Zeref exclaimed. "Because of me,"their first master, Mavis Vermilion came walking out.

Zeref, who was now too caught up in processing everything didn't realize that he was losing, when he finally did, he screamed, "this isn't over!" And retreated back to Earthland.

"I — its over!" Natsu cheered, his usual goofy smile returning. Everyone just giggled in response while they all that one, big group hug, their smiles never leaving their faces.

A/N: So, this was the last chapter. It actually doesn't feel like its been that long since I started this book, even though I started it in like, July. Wow its been a long time! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. The next chapter will be an epilogue and then it'll be complete! Hope you enjoyed!

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