22. Rescue

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When she dived in, the could breathe properly and sighed in relief, knowing that her plan worked. She used air to boost her kicking, as she was going slower than she wanted to.

"Il arms!

"II Venir!

"Physical ability rise! Deus Eques!

"II armour!"

She screamed. Another bright green light shot through the deep water and right into the air. Everyone looked at it in awe. They saw Wendy say some things ad position her arms in different postions. They just didn't expect the light to be coming from her.

"She did that!" Hermione exclaimed. She could see Fairy tail laughing, smirking and cheering like crazy. They all saw Wendy do those thing; she changed her hair, controlled air, upped her speed and created a bright, blinding green light overflowing with power.

Wendy swam through the water with an incredible speed. Now that she had enhanced all of her physical abilities like: her stamina, her strength and her speed, and added some protection spells. As well as a spell that enhanced her powers.

Even though she left the dock long after the others, with her incredible speed — as well as the fact that she didn't have to worry about running out of air. Since, she also upped her magic, making it considerably stronger. She easily caught up to the four, even passing Harry.

All the four champions saw when Wendy was passing by was a streak of light pink hair saying, "sorry!" They couldn't even comprehend what was happening. All they knew was, somehow, Wendy was that streak.

They were really close to where they had to rescue someone and they saw Wendy there. "You look so different!" Fleur exclaimed. Wendy shrugged in response. She knew at least. One person would ask that since her navy blue hair turned a light pink with visible air around it. Her deep down eyes were now widened and pink. Her arm/leg bands made her look more her age, but the determination in her eyes made her seem like any other fairy tail member.

Wendy looked around, she saw extremely ugly mermaids, 'Aquarius looks prettier,' she thought to herself. She sped right past them, they couldn't catch up even if they actually tried. She saw five poles with people tied to them. Four of the five people were ones she didn't recognize, but she recognized the fifth one.

It was Romeo.

Wendy sped towards him and made a sphere of air around his head as she forced the water in his lungs out. He coughed a bit before regaining his consciousness. "W — Where am I?" He looked around. He scanned around until his eyes landed on a certain pinkette, "Wendy?" He asked. She nodded.

"Long story," she grabbed his hand. "We need to get above water. My enchantements aren't going to last much longer." She already had her enchantments on for almost two hours. Been with her dragon force, she still was getting quite tired.

Romeo caught on to that and started swimming up with her. They were about half way up when they saw Fleur getting attacked and unable to save the one she was supposed to. "Romeo, go." Wendy headed back to Fleur and Romeo reluctantly returned to the shore.

Wendy went and caught the mermaids, mostly by blocking off their air, or, she was keeping them in one place. She healed Fleur up and grabbed the one she was supposed to rescue. She did the same thing she did to Romeo on both of them, but they were still too weak to swim on their own.

She carried them back to the shore and saw Romeo waving to them while grinning. She looked around the shore, no one was back yet. She sighed. At least she won, it wasn't just her win; it was her guilds.

Cheers erupted throughout the crowds when Wendy got out off the lake. As soon as she did, she heaved Fleur and her sister onto the dock. "Winner: Wendy! Second place: Fleur!" More cheers erupted as Wendy was named winner.

To Wendy, this was one of the best days ever, and she couldn't wait for what was coming next — none of them could.

A/N: This was also one of my favourite chapters to write. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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