17. Jellal

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A couple days later, Mira had finally finished setting things up. The only thing she had left to do was to pull some strings and get Jellal here. "Yes master, I believe that Jellal will be extremely effective and will be lots of help in defeating Zeref." Mira tried faking.

She believed that Jellal would be helpful, but she mostly wanted him here so Erza and him could be together. "Hmm. . ." Makarov stroked his beard a little thinking. "I believe. . ." He got Mira's hopes up. "That you are correct. I will prepare a lacrama to bring him here and explain everything."

Mira internally cheered. She kept her usual smile on, but once she was out of sight from everyone, she started fan girling like crazy. "Is she okay?" A couple of people who saw her asked. She just ignored them and said some high pitched screeches and jumped up and down.


Back in Earthland, Jellal just received a lacrama from Makarov. He finished listening to it and was deciding whether to accept his offer or not. "Jellal, you should go!" Meredy encouraged. "And besides, you'll be able to see Erza again." She slyly added with a smirk. Jellal turned around fast, attempting to hide his face from her. She could see the tips of his hair turn bright red, but his nitre face was actually the same shade as a certain scarlet-haired warrior.

This happened every time Meredy would bring up Erza. Jellal would turn bright red and turn around. She just loved to tease him. After Ultear sacrificed herself over a year ago, the only form of entertainment Meredy had was teasing Jellal.

"But Zeref is still out there." Jellal tried arguing.

"Bitch, were you even listening to that fucking lacrama? It just fucking said that Zeref was teaming up with the fucking bad guy from that fucking school! If you want to stop Zeref then going to that god damn school will make it fucking easier."

She completely snapped, she shipped them, mira shipped them, everyone shipped them. They loved each other but they refused to believe that the other loved them back, and it was driving her crazy.

Meredy took a deep breath a re-composed herself, still glaring at him. Jellal was a bit taken back by what Meredy said. In the 8 years that she's known him, he's always denied loving Erza or thinking that he's not 'worthy' of her admiration.

But, in the seven years she was trapped on tenrou island, the only thing he would talk about was if she was okay. This dude really needed to see her again.

"Fine I'll go." He sighed and used another lacrama to contact Makarov. Meredy clapped her hands excitedly and jumped up and down slightly with a big closed eye grin.

"Also, tell Juvia I say 'hi' and I miss her! Take this lacrama to communicate with Earthland too." She handed him another yellowish orb. "Okay," he prepared to leave.


"Master~ Jellal said he would come." Mira excitedly said. "Very well," he stroked his beard again. "Please arrange for Dumbledore to introduce him." Mira nodded and walked off.

"Why do I feel like she's planning something that would be troublesome for everybody? She only wears that smile when she has a plan." He said once Mira was gone.

A little while later, after Jellal arrived, Dumbledore once again called everyone to the hall. "What is it now? It was so fun watching Malfoy getting humiliated by ms. Cana." Ron grumbled, sittting down at the Gryffindor table with harry and Hermione.

A couple minutes later, everyone arrived and Dumbledore began. "We have yet another transfer student from around the same lace of fairy tail. He is from the geniuses Crime sorcière." This got fairy tail interested. They were from Earthland. They were from crime sorcière. They were a he.

They were Jellal.

"Please welcome, Jellal Fernandes!" The doors opened revealing Jellal. He was wearing the same uniforms as the boys from fairy tail. "Now we need to sort him." Dumbledore took out the sorting hat and gestured for Jellal to sit on the stool.

"Hmm. . . It seems you have a very. . . Similar past to ms. Scarlet. All that torturing and slavery! Too. Your past seems to have somewhat of a twist however. Although you still blame yourself for Simon's, whoever he is, death."

Erza cut the hat off by saying, "Jellal, you idiot! How many times to tell you, kagura doesn't blame you for his death, I don't blame you for his death and neither does Milliana. No one blames you except for yourself." She sat back down after yelling, pretending like nothing happened.

"Back to it, I think he should be in. . . Gryffindor! You demonstrate great courage and always strive to protect close to you, after what happened in your past." The Gryffindor table cheered and the trio got even more suspicious of fairy tail and Jellal.

"We need to investigate more," hermione randomly said after a while of staring at Jellal converse with everyone from fairy tail so easily. It was almost like they knew each other forever. "Harry, you still have that invisibility cloak, right?"

A/N: I made this one earlier than usual because, I saw that this fan fic is almost at 3k!! 3 frikin k!!

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