18. Stalking

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Harry nodded. He still had the cloak, but he didn't know what Hermione wanted it for. All he knew was, whatever it was, it would involve the mysterious transfer students. "Good," was her simple reply before walking away, urging the two to follow suit.

"'Moine, what do you need that clock for?" Harry voiced the his and Ron's thoughts. "Why," she began, "to stalk fairy tail of course." Somehow, the knew that that was going to be her answer, they just didn't think she'd say it out loud.

"Are you serious?" Ron practically yelled. "They're transfer students. Sure, they are a bit weird; they act really strange, all of them always cover up a part of their body they normally wouldn't, they all act like family and they're magic is pretty strange. . ." He tried thinking of more ways they were weird.

"My, point, exactly." Hermione pointed out. "Just like Ronald said, they are way to strange. I promise to drop the matter if you help me stalk them, just to prove that I was wrong," she held out her hand to swear it. "Or that I'm right," she mumbled to herself.

"Oh fine," they agreed.

Throughout the day, they watched them during classes and followed them whenever they went somewhere; to the bathroom or the hall, they would follow them everywhere. When classes ended, the golden trio went back to the Gryffindor house and collected Harry's cloak.

"Let's follow them," she started walking towards the door. The other two looked at her, then at each other before shrugging. Hermione continued walking towards the door as the other two-thirds of the golden trio running to catch up to her.


When they found the mages, they instantly put the cloak on. "We should go to the library to research this, 'he-who-must-not-be-named. I've Never even heard of that before." Levy said. "Uh huh," the others nodded. They walked into the library, and without even going towards the bookshelves that were available to students, they went straight towards the forbidden section.

"They're not supposed to be there." Hermione whisper yelled. The other two could only stare in shock, as no one cared about the fact that they went there. They scanned through the sections of books, before picking out everyone that was similar to Voldemort or, 'the-one-who-must-not-be-named'.

They each ended up with about 3-4 books — except for levy, she had about 7 or 8 books, struggling to carry all those books with he small body. They set down the books on a vacant table with a big, THUNK, and sighed. Levy took out 4 pairs of speed reading glasses and handed one to Lucy, one to Erza and one to Wendy (she used the last on for herself).

Those four opened a book and finished one in 3 minutes, while everyone was still trying to finish the first chapter. About half way through the first chapter of the book natsu was reading, he stopped and stood up abruptly, startling everyone else. "What is it Natsu? Did something happen?" Cana asked.

"I smell something," he said before sniffing the air. The golden trio stiffened a bit, wondering if he actually smelled them. "Who?" Romeo asked. "It smells like," he moved closer to where the three were. Before he could sniff again though, Hermione brought out her never-ending bag and brought out something that would block their smell.

"It's gone?" Natsu questioned himself. everyone else sighed. "Natsu, was this just some sort of sad attempt to get out of having to read?" Erza asked. "N — No, I swear!" He trembled a bit, he actually did smell three really familiar scents. "Wendy, gajeel, Laxus, did you three smell anything?" Erza asked, to which they shook their head no.

"Get back to reading." She commanded. Natsu did what he was told without a second thought, not wanting to rile up Erza.

That was pretty much all they did for the rest of the night and the three stalking them got bored. "We should head back now." Ron suggested. Hermione let out an exasperated sigh and reluctantly agreed. The three walked out of library as quiet as possible, not wanting any of them to see them again.

Back in the Gryffindor house, in Harry's room, the three were discussing the only topic that has been on their minds for the past couple of weeks; fairy tail. "Are you satisfied now, 'moine?" Ron asked for the fifth time that hour.

"No, I still believe they're death eaters. They went into the forbidden part of the library. It's forbidden for a reason, and they just waltzed in there, as if they didn't even know it was restricted!" Hermione ranted.

the other two shook their head at her statement, she wasn't going to give on thinking that Fairy tail could be death eaters for a while. "Let's just get some sleep, its getting pretty late, and the others are bound to come back soon." Harry reasoned. "Ok," hermione went back to her own room and went to sleep.

About an hour later, the mages went back to their own houses, still with no information about Voldemort. "That was pointless,' Lucy complained as she and the others were changing. Unbeknownst to them, Hermione was silently listening to their conversation. "We didn't find any of the information we needed, and all the men kept complaining! It was so annoying!"

They continued to rant to each other, still not realizing hermione was awake. "Anyways, let's go to sleep, we do have school tomorrow after all." Erza reminded. "Yeah, yeah." Lucy grumbled while Wendy was already tucking herself in, missing Carla tat would usually do it for her.

They all turned the lights off and went to sleep, hermione as well. Once she saw the light turn off, she fell asleep too. They all had peaceful dreams, preparing for tomorrow.

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