Jealous - Punk.

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The Paladin just finished their morning training and was all standing around drinking some water before Allura would walk in giving results.

"my sword bigger then yours" Lance smirked.

"are you compensating for something" keith asked with a smirk and crossed his arms.

"keith you know how long his dick is, your saw it last night" Pidge sighed and rolled her eyes before crossing her own arms.

"you would expect in such a high tec castle they would have better walls but no. Me and coran would like to file a complaint" Hunk frowned crossing his arms.

"your not alone, i wouldn't mind it so much if your guys wasn't so loud" Shiro sighed and already had his arms crossed why keith and lance just blushed.


"and what are you doing laying on the floor by the kitchen door" Lance asked as he and keith stopped on the other side of the door frame.

"shh, I'm planning to steal some cookies" Pidge said as she eyed the freshly cooked cookies on the counter. 

"want us to distract him" Keith asked and pidge grinned before nodding.

"hey hunk" keith said as he and lance walked over to the other side of the kitchen to keep hunk back turned to the cookies.

"hey guys, what bought you to my godly place" Hunk smiled and keith saw pidge hand pop up over the counter slowly making its way to the tray the cookies sat on.

"just wondering why your cooking so much, is there a party we dont know about" Lance asked with a grin.

"oh no I'm making these for shay, she begged me to cook some earth food treats and so i bake them for our meet up later" Hunk said with a bright smile and keith noticed pidge hand freeze.

"your really like shay dont you" Lance smirked.

"yeah i do" Hunk grinned and keith watched pidge sneak out of the kitchen without any cookies but with a sad look in her eye.

"well we see you at dinner" Keith said with a small smile and left not seeing pidge anywhere. 


"pidge are you sick" Hunk asked making her look up from her laptop puzzled why everyone else in the lounge look at her.

"huh" Pidge asked.

"well i thought shay left leftovers but when i asked she said she couldn't eat all twenty i made. Normally you steal six cookies from my tray after i cooked them. You place one on the side of the counter for me to eat as a sorry for you stealing some. You give shiro, lance and keith one then keep the other two for yourself as upgrade but today you didnt steal any" Hunk said with a frown and turned to his short friend who went back to typing on her laptop.

"I'm not sick, even i know when not to touch food if they for a date" Pidge sighed and rolled her eyes.

"but i made twenty knowing you would steal some, its no problem if you did take some" Hunk said with a kind smile and annoyance filled pidge eyes but she stayed cool. 

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