Chapter 1: Ariel Waterflower, The Youngest Cerulean Sister

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(Trainer Background)

Name: Ariel Waterflower

Age: 17

Appearance: Blue eyes, Short red hair, 5'1

Hometown: Hoenn, Cerulean City

Pokemon: Starter- Mudkip (Kip), Surskit (Skittle), Vaporeon (Vapor), Horsea, Lapras (Aria), Suicune (Aqua)

Siblings: Lily, Violet, Daisy, Misty

Friends: Her Pokemon

Class: Pokemon Breeder

Info: Ariel Waterflower is the youngest sister among her 4 older sisters, Misty, Lily, Violet and Daisy aka the Cerulean City Gym Leaders. While Misty is out on her Pokemon journey with her new friends Ash and Brock who Ariel's met a few times when her sister came to visit.

Ariel is left in the hands of her older sisters who she unfortunately doesn't have a good relationship with. Not only are they a couple years older than her, but they've just been closer with each other since they're all around the same age and love nothing more than to shop and travel.

But because Ariel is also the baby, they think they can bully her around and treat her like a baby seeing as they want her to be a Pokemon gym leader and be strong like them, but Ariel doesn't want to be a gym leader, she wants to be a Pokemon Breeder who she actually got inspiration from her friend Brock because growing up she doesn't like to see other pokemon battle and fight each other, that just puts a weird feeling in Ariel that she doesn't like and well...Ariel is more sensitive than most seeing as when Pokemon get hurt, she feels hurt...

But running that to her sisters, they just laugh in her face and tell her no so they force her to battle their Pokemon and make her 'weak' Pokemon stronger...which only makes them get hurt. But Ariel doesn't like when Pokemon get hurt, she wants to become a Pokemon breeder and help Pokemon get better, feel better and be happier.

Ariel hates her older sisters for what they're doing not only to Ariel, but her pokemon as well. Ariel is much closer with Misty since they're only about a year apart but because she's out on a journey, they don't talk much and Ariel couldn't go with so she now has to deal with her other rude sisters.

Ariel is shy, sensitive and loves pokemon more than everything. She has short red hair and blue eyes. She loves her pokemon and even named them because she thinks having unique names is not only cool but makes her pokemon feel more loves. With both her mother and father being gone all the time because not only are they performers but they own the gym...hence why her sisters are in charge of it because they're the oldest...

But before her mother left, she gave Ariel the Legendary Pokemon Suicune as a gift to protect her while they're gone. Her parents know that she's having a hard time so her mother gave her a Suicune to protect her and give her company.

Even though her sisters don't know she has a Suicune, Ariel is extra careful about making sure he's safe because once they know she has a Suicune, they will take it away with no doubt and use him for battles and that's not what Ariel wants...

Ariel just wishes Misty can come back and get her out of this living hell but she doesn't know how far she is or if she will even come to her rescue...and Ariel's scared to leave because if she gets caught she'll just get hurt...but let's see what awaits her in Cerulean City.

(YAY ANOTHER POKEBOY, ENJOY!!! REMEMBER COMMENT WHICH BOY TO WRITE ABOUT NEXT!! I only have up until like 7 chapters but I'll post what I got so you guys got something so enjoy??) 

(700 Words)

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