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We had been practicing for quite a while until our choreographer said that we should take a break. He left to go and get himself a water bottle and a few snacks. At that moment I went to get the exact same things but from my bag. I also grabbed my phone and decided to message her.

Mark: hey, when are you like coming back like it's been forever and I'm just like waiting for you.

Areum: ha you sound to cute over text and I'm literally coming to the practice room!

I could feel my ears heat up after seeing her message. I felt butterflies in my stomach whilst I awaited for her. It was a new thing to be able to see Areum so often now seeing as she is out manager.

The door opened to show Areum who was beaming as her usual self. She looked beautiful inside out. She greeted herself with the members still unfamiliar with them. I had to tag along to not make it look suspicious. Everyone walked off to sit back down whilst I stood there. She just stared at me giving me the look of "Thank you". I couldn't help but subtly smile.

She called all of us to sit together on the floor so she could talk. We all sat in a circle with me on one side of Areum and Yuta on the other. I looked at Areum deeply whilst she explained our schedule and I couldn't help but smile. I turned to face the ground because I didn't want it to be so obvious. When I was turning around to look back at her, I noticed Yuta. Honey was literally dripping from his eyes whilst he was staring at Areum in the most affectionate way I have ever seen. I felt myself just pierce myself through Yuta. I didn't like the way he was looking at Areum. I hope he wasn't trying to pull a move on her.

Areum continued to tell us about our concerts in much detail so we had an idea of what was happening. Our choreographer came back after taking his break and just stared at all of us. He then went to look at Areum and just stared at her. I faced Areum to notice that she had stopped talking and looked quite startled after seeing him. Did they already know each other? I was very confused. I couldn't even ask her here because there's too many people.

"So basically that was it and I hope you kind of understand what will be happening." Areum said cheerfully. In that time our choreographer, Song Jooyeon, just sat in the corner on his phone. Areum got over and walked up to him.

"Oppa, we need to talk now. Meet me outside." She then left.

CLOSE TO ME | MARK LEEWhere stories live. Discover now