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After that we pretty much went to sleep as we had to wake up early again. That was the only annoying thing with promotions because I love laying in bed. But I don't mind it as much now as I have the people I love around me.

The alarm went off and we both got up. Just as Areum was about to get out of bed, I pulled her back.

"Just one more minute babe." I said half asleep.

"No we need to get up now." She said sternly in manager mode.

I groaned and turned onto my stomach, not wanting to get up.


"Owwwww Areum! That hurt!" I said as I turned around and held my butt.

"Well you weren't getting up so I slapped your butt. Now that you're up, go to the bathroom whilst I'll make some breakfast."

"Ooooooo I'd like that. It's been ages since I've eat your food."

"C'mon on then gorgeous. Hurry up." She smiled.

I got ready and by then Areum had made our omelettes and toast. It smelt so good from when I came out of the bathroom.

"Oh wow babe. The food looks so good."

The hot food let out wavy streaks of steam along with the tea.  I sat down and delved right into it and oh my god it tasted heavenly. I don't think I've eat such a good omelette before.

Areum sat down and laughed at my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused with my mouth stuffed.

"You seen like a little kid whose excited about food."

"I mean we are technically kids." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh I agree." She said and then she also started eating.

We spent our morning just eating and talking having a catch up that seems like is never finishing.

"Thanks for the food, it tasted great." I said as I pecked her lips.

She pulled me in closer for a hug so I squeezed her as tightly as I humanely could.

"Eeeee let me go." She said as she patted my back.

"I don't want to." I pouted but also listened to her.

"You have to get going now before Doyoung starts shouting at you." She brushed off the non existent dust on my shoulders.

"Wait aren't you coming along?" I asked.

"Actually no. Seri unni and I are going apartment looking."

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I want to move to a different place. I want to start afresh. I'm sick of this place and it just brings back sad memories. Although the great memories I've had with you are beautiful, I'd rather have them in a new setting. So I'm going to try and move out by the end of this week."

I stood there taken aback by her words. I didn't think she'd take such a big and brave step. However it is for the best so I'm happy for her.

"I'm so proud of you Areum. I believe you'll find the perfect place and I'm here for every decision you take. Just let me know how things go. I will always love you."

"I love you too Mark. But you should really be get going now. It's already 6am!"

"Okay just one last thing." I said.

I quickly kissed her and put on my sliders before waving and leaving her place.

I started walking down the street with my mask and hat on so I couldn't be seen.

I should really tell Areum about her horrible incident and who did it to her. I don't want her to be mistaken that her brother is a good person. I also don't want her to find out from someone else. But, I also need to find the courage to tell her. She's only started feeling better and that'll just break her.

But then again, her finding out now will be better than later because she can forget about it. I'll try and make her feel less hurt.

I just want the best for her.

Sorry for the extremely late update, I have exams so I've been revising! Hopefully they'll be over soon.


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