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I immediately shot up not caring about the chair that fell backwards.

"What?!" I asked not believing my own ears.

"Yeah he literally just messaged me and said he's on his way there with his contacts. They're FBI Agents so don't worry now Mark, Areum will back safe and sound."

I let out a sigh of relief and tear rolled down my eye. Holding in my tears for so long, they finally came down in streams. Jaehyun hyung stepped forward and hugged me whilst patting my back. Hopefully she'll be alright.

"Oh, by the way hyung, do you know where they found her."

"Yeah it's apparently in the area where her brother used to live before. I'm not sure if he knows so maybe you should try to contact him and just let him know with what's going on."

Hmm that did sound like a good idea, he is your brother after all. But then again we hadn't spent that much time with so I don't know if Areum would want him to know.

"Oh yeah hyung that would've been good but I don't have his number or anything. I only met him around Areum's grandad's funeral and that was only for a while so we didn't actually get that close."

"Don't worry then, she's going to be found soon anyway."

We finally went to bed but I was still a bit tense. Will Yugyeom hyung be able to find her? Is she hurt? Who took her? Why would they take her?

I asked Jaehyun hyung for Yugyeom's phone number just in case anything crops up. And after a while I just kept looking back at phone if I had missed anything. And then my home screen appears... it's Areum. When we went to the beach, she was splashing around in the sea. As I sat on the sand behind, I took a quick picture of her. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. As the sun was setting, it was hitting off her head giving her an angelic glow. Her hair danced in the air whilst she was swinging her arms around. Her hair used to be short then but it had grown so much now. Oh how I wish I could just run my hands through her hair and comfort her. I miss her hugs and her random conversations. The switch ups from work related talk to sweet talk. She couldn't even witness our first concert abroad and I just made it more disappointing. I don't deserve the team. This is the first time I felt thankful towards our company. For actually listening to me and the group.

With all these thoughts that ran in my head, I fell asleep.


Oh I can't do this anymore. This was actually killing me and by now I had no hope. I knew happiness was never going to stay with me for my life so it might as well end now. But there's nothing in this room that I could possibly end my life with. So I'm sitting here suffering.

My throat was dry. I only got a cup of water for all of the day and one piece of bread. This is not where I expected my life would get to. And to know that my brother is letting all of this happen to me for money just makes it worse. I have nobody. I have nobody for me. And I hate that. I hate that I had to stay strong for most of my life when I really just needed a shoulder to lean on and cry. But I never got that and I never probably will. Mark will probably be too busy and I don't want him to stress about me, he already has enough on his plate.

Can it please just all end.


"Yep. This is where I located her" I told the crew.

We were parked in the middle of a village at a distance from the building where we tracked her.

"Assemble your weapons dude. We don't know who it might be." Jaebeom hyung, or professionally JB, said.

"Yeah we got everything ready, I think we should go." Jinyoung hyung said adjusting his gun that was hung across his upper half so he could quickly grab it.

"Yeah let's go." I confirmed once again.

"I'll continue tracking her just in case if there's any change ups. Check if your Bluetooths are on." Bambam ordered.

Everyone gave a stern nod and went off to the building.

We examined the building from all corners and there was no door to be seen.

"Hmm this seems sketchy, I bet you she's in here." Jackson stated.

"Shhh be careful dude, you gotta keep quiet." Mark hyung shushed him up real quick.

"Guys we've had situations like this before. Check in the floor for a basement type door, it might be covered up with supposed dead leaves." Youngjae hyung suggested.

We all listened to him and started looking around.

"Here found it." JB hyung crouched down and pushed away the leaves. He then got out his little screwdrivers and quietly just opened up the whole door so it wouldn't make too much noise.

He gestured everyone to follow him and so we did. We slowly tiptoed around. Some of the agents continued walking forwards and some walked backwards for protection.

We were then lead to a staircase that lead up.

"This must be to get into the house. Let's go."

We then entered and it was dark, it seemed as if no one was here.

"Check all around. If no one is here then great but some of us will have to stay back to catch them." Jinyoung hyung said.

We approached each corner of the house and no one was seen so far. The coasts were clear. Infront of us was a door that was sealed shut. She must be in here.

"Mark get your tools out, you can do all the small work." He nodded and started working in the door.

Not long after the door opened. JB, Mark and Jackson hung stood outside to beware. Youngjae hyung and I walked in ever so slowly still trying to weary.

"Oh my." Was all Youngjae hyung could say.


And Mr Huang Xuxi has me dead 💀👀

Thank you ever so much for 6k reads. I honestly never thought that this book would get so many. I'm so thankful. I don't deserve you guys 😭❤️ ily all, stay safe and take care. 🥰🥰

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