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Today was the day of the funeral and Jooyeon hyung and I stayed round at Areum's house for her help. I had gone back to the dorms quickly yesterday and packed my bag to come here.She was still hurt however she had been doing better. We eat breakfast together silently and then went to go and get ready.

We were ready to leave now. After we had put in our shoes, Areum went to lock the door. However before doing so, she looked back and observed her house. It must be hard for her. The memories she had made here with her grandad must sadden her. I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed it slightly. A tear rolled down her eye but she quickly wiped it away. She then locked the door and we left.

The funeral was at a small village by the sea and once we got to the venue of the funeral Areum started crying again. Of course this was going to happen so I tried my best to console her. Holding onto her shoulders, we walked up to her grandpa's coffin with a picture of him in front. She placed a bouquet she had bought with her in front of the picture. Me, hyung and Areum all bowed down and then sat close on the floor. I held Areum's hand as she just stared at his picture. She again seemed much calmer now but she was quiet.

"Areum," I slowly asked.
"Hmm" she said.
"Do you want a drink?"
"I'll have tea." She replied calmly. Areum always loved tea so I guess it was her comfort drink.
"Hyung, what would you like?" I then again asked.
"I'll have a coffee please."
I nodded and then silently left the room.

As I was getting their drinks, this man came out of nowhere in a hurry. His hair was all over the place and looked lost. Suddenly he grabbed onto one of Areum's grandpa's friend and shook him harshly.

"What happened to my grandad? You were there with him. What did you do to him?!" He screamed at their faces.
Leaving the drinks at the table I went to him. I took his hands off the elderly man and just stared at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked calmly as this wasn't the place to be causing a havoc.

"Who the hell are you?! I'm here for my grandad and these old hags have killed him!" He shouted. "'My grandad, Kwon Doshik, wouldn't die so easily, they killed him!"

I couldn't believe it. That means he must be Areum's brother. How did he find out and where did he come from?

"No one killed your grandad otherwise they'd be in jail."

"Shut up, whoever you are."
I felt offended but dare did I say anything otherwise I wouldn't have left him. He pushed past me and tried to find the room where his grandad was. Oh no I had to stop him getting there before Areum sees him. I need to be there before him. I quickly turn around and try to run after him. It was just my bad luck that as soon as I turn to enter the room, he's already there.

"Areum," he said whilst panting.
She turned around and just stared at him whilst I was there behind.
"Oppa..." she said with nothing more to say. Tears started rolling down her eyes.
Her brother went to her with his arms open but instead Areum shuffled backwards further away from him. She shuffled closer to hyung as he approached her.

"Don't you dare come close to me." She said sternly.
"Areum," her brother started.
"Leave! Get lost! I don't want you here. On what rights do you think you have the audacity to stand here in front of me and my grandad."  She got up and her eyes pierced through him.

She got close to him and slapped him as hard as she could. I quickly ran to her and grabbed her back. Hyung took her brother out of the room. As soon as he got dragged outside, Areum dropped against the wall. Her elbows resting her thighs as her hand were on her face. She continued crying as I just hugged her.

"Shhh Areum. You need your brother's support right now. You have all the rights to question him after this but please not now."

"Mark, please. He hasn't been her since I was a kid and now he appears on the day grandpa gets turned into ash."

"It's all going to get better. Trust me, just let him be here and then later on question him all you want." I explained.

She nodded her head as she sat by me.

It was time for the funeral and her grandad got cremated. Areum and her grandpa's friends were crying a lot. Her brother stood at a distance but he was also upset. And on such a beautiful day was such a sad goodbye.

Let me just say that
I love Kim Jongdae..
Also please vote and thank you 🥰


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