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We reached the hospital and the paramedics took Areum's stretcher into the building. Me and Johnny ran behind them trying to catch up.

They had took her to the intensive care unit and shut the doors in our face. I seen a doctor and asked what was going on.

"Well I'm sorry to say but it was very bad accident and she needs to have  surgery on her ribs as they were severely broken. I don't know longs it's going to take or how long it's going to take for her to recover but all you can do is wish for the best."

The doctor left and I nearly fell backwards if Johnny didn't catch me. I slowly fell into the floor and clasped my hair with my hands. I couldn't help but the tears stream down my fairs.

Hours had passed and Johnny had gotten himself and me a cup of coffee. "Drink this Mark." I refused and shook my head. How could I drink something when my girlfriend is on the verge of losing her life?

It was now morning and I still wasn't allowed to meet my Areum. That was until a doctor led the room. He came out somewhat smiling and I was confused. He suddenly took a hold of my upper arms and gripped them properly. "Sir, the surgery was successful and you can go and meet her in a bit when she wakes up. Congratulations."

I couldn't believe what he just said. I didn't know what to say.

"She's a strong woman so she did really well."

"Thank you" was the only thing I could barely squeak out.

After the doctor left, Johnny gave me and tight hug and told me everything is going to be alright. At this point I couldn't care if Johnny knew that us two had something going on. I sighed a breath of relief. I finally get to see my Areum again.

It was at this point me and Johnny went to go and eat some breakfast. Poor Johnny also hadn't eat anything all night with me so thought it would be best to eat now.

We got told that Areum was shifted into a normal ward and that we could meet her in about 10 minutes. I couldn't wait.

Slowly, these 10 minutes passed and we got told that we could meet her. Without hesitation, I swung open the door. I stopped in my tracks. As much I wanted to see her, it hurt me to see that she had bandages and scratches all over her. But for now I had to ignore that and comfort her in every way possible.

I went and gently sat on the seat next to her bed. I softly held her hand. "Areum.."

"My mork." Areum said quietly with a little smile.

"Areum you scared me. What was I going to do without you?" My eyes welled up with tears again but I had to be strong for Areum.

"Well I'm here again... with you."

"Promise me that you won't try and leave me again like this."

"Promise." She said.

"I love you Areum and I can't bear to see you leave me like this. You have to spend your next 70 years with me before you can even think of leaving."

Areum slowly laughed. "Okay okay mark. I won't leave you."

After a bit of comfortable silence Areum spoke. "You know that car that... you know. I feel like I've seen the driver before but I just can't figure out where. He seemed very recognisable."

"Don't worry about that right now. You have to focus on getting on better for me." I squeezed her hand before I left the room to get some medicine for her.

I saw Johnny outside and told him about what Areum said about the driver. He told me he'd look into it and I couldn't be more thankful. He said that he was going to back to the dorm now so everyone wouldn't be confused and I agreed. He got stuff and soon left.

I stayed at the hospital to check up on Areum. I went back to her room and she looked in pain.

"What's wrong sweet?" I asked scared.

"I need to go to the toilet but I don't have the strength to get up." She said.

The doctor had told me that if she had to get the toilet I had to take her on a wheelchair for about a week before I she could walk with crutches.

"Just give me a sec." I told her.

Soon enough I came back with a wheelchair. I ever so slowly made her sit up supporting her back. I then carefully picked her up and placed her onto the wheelchair. It felt like I was taking care of fragile glass which I couldn't afford to break.

I wheeled her to the toilet and slowly made her stand up, supporting her in every way I could. And this... is when it got awkward.

"Will you be able to... you know... go to the toilet? Or do you need help?" I asked shyly.

Areum started laughing.

"Why? Can't you help me?" She said whilst still giggling.

"I mean like I can if you want but like I thought you'd be awkward."

"Just turn around while I do my business and I'll tell you if I need help." She suggested.

I nodded and I turned around. I guess she was doing fine as she hadn't asked for hel-

"Ermm Mark.... I'm having trouble getting back up. I don't know what to do."

"Do you want me to get a nurs-"

"NO. They're all weird," she exclaimed "can you just slowly get me up. You can keep your eyes closed and once I'm up you can turn around again."

"Ok Areum. Just got you."

I pressed my eyes shut and tried to walk towards her with my arms out. Suddenly I felt her shoulder and knew where I was. My hand travelled down her back whilst I held her hand with my other hand. She got up and got herself all sorted.

"You can open your eyes now."

I turned around to see that she was kind of in pain. I quickly but efficiently put her back in the wheelchair and let her wash her hands.

This was something I was going to have to get used to....

CLOSE TO ME | MARK LEEWhere stories live. Discover now