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Jungwoo, mark and I were sitting at the table after having stuffed ourselves with food. We had good conversations and Jungwoo kept talking about how well their photoshoot will turn out.

"Ok guys I'm going to sleep now because I'm really tired. Thankfully we have a day off tomorrow." Jungwoo said as he got up.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about that. Well night hyung, see you tomorrow." Mark waved.

"Don't stay up too long because you'll get more tired Mark-ya!" He said screaming down the corridor as he reached his room.

Mark just chuckled and then turned around to me.

"Do you want to go and sit in my room? I want to lie down." He said.

"Sure let's go." I smiled as I walked behind him massaging his shoulders.

"I could do with a massage you know." He said in an exaggerated tired voice.

"The only massage I can give is stepping on your back." I chuckled.

"Please do." Mark smiled.

"No I'd accidentally end up killing you or breaking your back or something." I said worried.

"Ok just sit next to me and I'll be cool."

We sat down and mark just stared at the ceiling. He seemed pretty zoned out, so I spoke up.

"Minhyung-ah are you alright?"

I saw his eyes wonder and then he looked straight at me. He shifted his body and held my hands.

"There's something you need to know Areum-ah.."

My heart rate instantly shot up and for some reason I thought the worst of the worst.

"What is it mark? You're normally not this serious." I said in a quiet shaky voice.

"Oh don't be scared Areum, it shouldn't affect you now but you should still know."

I took a deep breath and stared at my hands that were being caressed by his.

"It's about what happened last year..do you remember anything."

My memories raced around trying to remember the moment. I felt strong enough to do so. I had Mark by my side.

"No Mark, I only remember when I was about to text you in the car and then that bright lit room where I was locked." I said awfully quiet.

His grip on my hands got tighter.

"Well we found out who did it after you were admitted into hospital. I just want you to know please don't be upset or scared. They aren't able to get anywhere near you now."

I closed my eyes and I didn't even want to guess who it could've been.

"I'm so sorry. It's all because of me but Red Velvet had kidnapped you.."

My eyes opened wide. I knew they hated me but not to that extent where they would do that.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Yeah even I didn't want to believe it but it's true but there was another person involved." He looked down and it was clearly obvious that it was also hard for him to say who it was.

So I let him take his time to say it even though my heart felt like it was about to come out of my chest.

"Your brother.. the one who didn't meet you for years but then came back into your life."

Now at this point , I didn't know what to say so I just zoned out. Unknowingly a tear slipped out of my eye and I only came back to my senses after mark wiped it away. But surprisingly, I didn't cry. I didn't have much of a reaction.

"Mark, thank you so much for telling me. He was never one to trust anyways but like you said, they can't harm me now but I'll never forget what they did.

Mark just gave a sorrowful smile and then hugged me really tight.

"Mark please don't keep it to heart so much. None of what happened is your fault so never think that. Ok?" I rubbed his back in our hug. He replied with a nod.

"Now let's get some sleep shall we?" I said with a smile.

"Areum, you're the strongest person I've known. And I'm glad that you're my woman."

"Eeeeeek, that sounds weird of you to say." I cringed at his words but I actually loved them.

We both laughed and fell asleep in each other's arms.


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