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That exact moment was when Mark's world had fell apart. He felt like he was back to square one, the place he was a few months ago. He didn't want Areum to go, especially not for this reason. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to confront this person. He wanted to do everything to have Areum by his side without any struggles. But he couldn't. He just couldn't do anything. In defeat he was just there on the floor crying.

Jaehyun has seen everything that had happened. He watched Areum leave as his best friend was shattered into pieces, on the floor whilst crying. 

He had been standing at a distance behind the tree watching from afar. He turned his head around and looked from side to side to see another shadow standing by the fountain with the person turned around so they couldn't be seen. Jaehyun shifted to catch a glimpse and they were just wearing a mask and a hat. The physique was somewhat recognisable and then turned around to see both Mark and Areum. He then took out his phone and quickly took pictures of the saddened two.

Jaehyun went to confront the person but unluckily he was caught and the suspicious man ran away before he could get anywhere near close. Jaehyun just stopped walking in the direction and took out his phone.

I quickly went before I had a change of mind and went back to my Mark. My heart ached and I didn't want to do this but it was for the best of us. Once I left the park I took out my phone to look at the time. There was only two and a half hours before my flight. I noticed that I'd been sent some messages so I clicked them open to read.

Hey Manager-nim. I managed to come on time and try and find something out.

there was a dodgy man standing by the fountain and he took a picture of you and mark when you were leaving.

I couldn't tell who it was but they seemed to be recognisable but I couldn't.

I'll try my best to find out and I'll take care of Mark like you said. I hope you have a safe flight and let me know when you reach back.

Ok thank you Jaehyun. Please do take care of Mark, he seems to be in a really bad state at the moment. I don't think I'll call him now because he won't be able to handle it. I'll talk to him once I get back.

I put my phone back into my pocket and got into the company car and left for the airport. My luggage was already in here so I wasn't going back to the hotel.

I had gotten into the airport and done all the requirements needed. Now I was just waiting to go back. I didn't want to go back at all, I'm going to feel empty. My whole life was here by my side and now I'm leaving him. As I thought about it to myself, tears welled up in my eyes.  My phone ringed and I had a look. It was Mark. I hesitantly picked up the phone.

"Hey.. Babe." He said quietly.

"Mark. How are you?"

"I could be much better by having you by my side cuddling in bed but I know we can't right now. I miss you so much baby."

I was shocked that he sounded much better than before. I just wish he continued being like this. Not like the state I left him in.

"I wish so too but we will meet eachother soon."

"Let's just remember it as the sweetest day for the two of us. The day you became my girlfriend." He gently said.

"I will too as the day you became my boyfriend. To protect you I will do everything I can."

"I love you my babe." Mark said.

I smiled through the phone even though he couldn't see.


"Is it time for you to go already?" Mark sulked through the phone.

"Yeah it is. I have to go now. I love you Mark and I'll talk to you once I get back to Korea. You're first concert in the US is tomorrow so give it your all. You're the best and you can do it!" I tried to sound as cheerful as I could.

"Thanks Areum. I'll do it for you. Bye and I'll miss you."  Mark cut the phone off as soon as he said his last sentence.

I looked at my phone to see the call was cut off but then a message popped up. I quickly wiped my tears away and opened up the message.

I think I have an idea who is doing all this. Just let me get more evidence and I think you'll be able to come back here very soon.

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