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This was it. Today was the day of our first broadcast performance. I just couldn't believe it, our 2nd full album has come out. I hope I've done my mum proud as she looks down at me from the sky.

We were all just about ready before we performed our song. I was excited, the energy and passion we put in for this song was everything I wanted. A power song to make people feel good and confident with themselves, including me.

"Ok, are you all ready? We have to go up to the stage in a minute." Our manager said.

Everyone said a mix of 'yes' before we all left the backstage room to go to the stage. This was it, I'm giving it all I've got.

We went up there and I'm not going to lie but we absolutely slayed the stage. After a few takes, the cameramen has the right angles for them to put the performance together for the show.

"Good job Mark! You were great up there!" Yuta hyung patted my back as he gave a huge grin.

"You too hyung!" I said excitedly. The adrenaline was still running through my body and I was practically bouncing off the walls. But once we reached our waiting room, everyone was tired and just laid on any sofa or chair available.

I also laid on the sofa and decided to close my eyes for a bit.

'Well done Mark. You were great today. Everyone around you is proud of you. You have worked hard.'

Telling myself that makes the weight get lifted off my shoulders.

"Mark" I heard in a familiar voice. It's probably just my dream right? Wait but I'm not exactly sleeping. My eyes shot wide open as I scanned the room to see where I was called from.

I frantically got up and turned around to look at the door.

I froze.

I had to take a step back, covering my mouth as a tear slipped down my eye.

"Minhyung-ah" she called out again.

I had no words as I practically started sobbing there.

Areum. She's here. Standing right in front of me. Looking healthy and pretty as always.

"Areum." I barely spoke out in a whisper.

I ran towards her with my arms open and I engulfed her with my hug. Picking her up and spinning her around. She hugged back so tightly around my neck and I clutched onto her waist as if my life depended on it.

I placed her down and touched her face, just staring into her dark brown orbs that shone bright with the lighting around.

"Mark, I'm so proud of you. For everything you've done." She said softly as she ran her hand through my hair.

I was still holding her waist as I just stared at her. I couldn't quite believe it. No one told me she had woken up and that she was fine.

I was on cloud nine.

I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back again.

"I missed you so much Areum. I can't believe you're standing here in front of me. I have so much to say but I don't know what to say right now."

"It's alright Mark, take your time." She said as she held me close.

At this point I didn't realise that the members and our team had left the room to give us space. After the whole situation, they all knew Areum was my girlfriend so they knew how much of a big deal this was for me.

"I'm never going to leave you or let you leave me again. We've done that once and it went horrible." I said as I just stroked her soft long hair.

"I'm never going to leave you either." She said as she spoke with her head on my chest.

"You look even more prettier now. The long hair suits you much better."

"Thanks mark." She looked up and smiled.

Not leaving any chance, I kissed her and she kissed me back. The long needed kiss for both of us. As if our lips were meant to be for each other, we kissed for a while. I held her tight in my arms and pulled her closer. I could feel her smile through the kiss and so did I.

I was just so immensely happy.

We both rested our foreheads and then looked at each other.

"Let's sit down." I said with a huge stupid smile on my face.

She nodded and we walked up to the sofa.

I sat down and Areum was about to sit next to me until I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto my lap.

"Mark! Someone might see!" She shrieked.

"I don't care. Let them be. I haven't seen my gorgeous in so long." I smiled.

She agreed and put her hand around my neck and I held her securely.

"When did you wake up?" I asked as I was too curious.

"About a month ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her with sad eyes.

"When I woke up. The first thing I asked was how were you. And then the nurses said they'd let you know that I'm awake but I didn't want you to see me in an unhealthy state so I told them to call the main manger so he knew. Once I talked to him, I told him not to tell you and that the hospital will let him know when I can go. He also told me that you were preparing for an album so I knew that you would definitely be busy at that moment of time."

"Wait, does that mean that the members knew about you waking up?" I asked feeling a little betrayed.

"Well I don't know if the main manager told them but I never spoke to any of them."

I sighed in relief as I started to feel a little jealous. Areum just laughed.

"Then after I woke up, I had to get physiotherapy for my leg as it was so badly injured. That's why I didn't want you to see the times where I couldn't really walk."

All of a sudden, I remembered her leg. A sight that I'll never forget.

I touched the part of the leg where it was badly injured and stroked it.

"Is your leg better now though?"

"It's slowly getting better but the doctor said I can't do exercise just yet and that walking around should slowly heal it."

"I'm glad to know that you're alright." I said as I sighed in relief again with my head resting on her shoulder.

She bought my face up and slowly kissed me again. Oh how I missed this feeling. All of my worries had just vanished with my angel appearing in front of me.

Yeah so I hope you liked that! The long awaited chapter! It was a long chapter but I felt it would be much better if it was all together.


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