Chapter 3

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Katie's POV

I literally was up all night thinking about it, and the whole drive home from Hunter's Record label. Did I honestly want to marry I man I did not love just because I was pregnant with his child. What sense did that make? I couldn't possibly Marry him, could I? I groan at all the loud thoughts in my head. I had to come to a decision, but I guess I didn't have to right this second. 

What I needed was to clear my head and have someone help me weigh the pros in the cons to marrying Hunter Hameln. Without hesitation I picked up my phone and called Cameron. She picked up on the fourth ring. "Why the hell are you calling me at 6 in the morning?" She questioned into the phone in a groggy voice, I could tell she was sleep before I called her.

"Hunter sorta kinda asked me to marry him." I rush out and it wasn't even a second later before she exclaimed into the phone, "What?!"

"I know right! I don't know what to do." I respond.

"Wait, back up a minute. He asked you to marry you?" She questioned and I answer her, "Yes."

"And what did you say?" She asked and I huff.  "I said no, then he started talking so I told him I needed time to think about to." I respond.

"Why would he just come out and ask for you to marry him?" She asked and I sigh deeply. "Because I'm pregnant with his baby, girl keep up." I reply and Cameron smacks her lips on the other end of the line.

"He thinks that us being married would be good for the baby, but part of me thinks he just wants to help his image. Us being married would take a lot of heat off him from the press." I explain.

Cameron sighs, "Maybe, but you don't have to marry him if you don't want to. I wouldn't."

"You wouldn't?" I ask and Cameron hums back in respond.

"So, you don't think I should marry him?" I ask and Cameron huffs. "I think I can't tell you what to do."

I roll my eyes fiercely, "You're no help." I comment before hanging up on her.

I throw my phone beside me on the bed, before collapsing back on my bed with loud huff. What was I going go do?


"I need an answer now." Hunter says now currently sitting in front of me.

With a heavy heart I shake my head, "No, I'm sorry but I can't marry you." I respond and Hunter looks at me for a good ten seconds in silence before he stood to his feet, and made his way towards me. I straightened out my back, on alert of what he was going to do next.

He stopped directly in front me, and probably not even a centimeter away from my body. Geez, why was he so close? "Marry me." He said in almost demanding tone and I was speechless. "Hunter-" I start and he cuts me off.

"Marry me Katie." He repeats with a soft tone his beautiful green eyes piercing into my brown ones. I sigh breaking eye contact with him. I couldn't. "I can't."

Hunter didn't seem to happy about my answer he quickly backs away from me. "Why not!" He exclaimed and I roll my eyes. "Because, I-I can't marry someone I don't love."

Hunter looked me in my eyes before rolling his eyes at me. I don't know what he expected from me, to just marry him like that, I can't just jump into a marriage with him, because I'm carrying his child. I honestly could care less about his feelings, I wasn't going to marry him. If this was about custody or money, we could deal with that when the time comes.

"So, no? That's your final answer?" He ask and I nod.

"Okay." Hunter simply says surprising me.

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