Chapter 5

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Hunter and I were currently hanging up my clothes in my closet. I was sitting on floor, putting the clothes of the hangers before passing the clothes to Hunter so he could hang them up for me. We had been doing this for a good 45 minutes, and we were half way done.

It's been five days since I've moved in with Hunter, and I still have yet to do anything with my room. I didn't even go as fair as to take my bed frame out of the boxes or my mattress. My room is still empty. The most I've done is look through furniture catalogs with Cameron.

The only reason why I'm even hanging up this clothes is because Hunter offered to help me, and because he's been telling me to unpack them for the past three days.

I know he's getting tried of sleeping on the couch, and honestly I don't blame him. He hasn't said anything about it, but I can just tell. "So, when are you thinking of setting your room up? I can call my designer if you need any ideas." Hunter asked as I handed him three shirts that were each on their own hanger.

"I don't know, maybe this weekend." I answer and Hunter nods. "I have an image in my head how I want the room to look, so you don't have a call your designer." I add on.

"You know if you need money to get furniture, I'll be happy to-" Hunter starts until I cut him off. "-It's fine really. My sister and I have already gone crazy with buying furniture." I

Hunter nods, "Katie, you know that if you ever need anything, I'm happy to provide. You don't have to be shy to ask me for something that you need or even want."

I nod, "Good to know." I smile handing him a pants that were also on the hangers. He takes them and hangs them up.

"Have you told your parents or anyone that your having a baby?" I asked and Hunter looks back at me. "No, why?" He ask and I simply shrug.

I've been thinking about telling my mom, but I don't know how she would take it. She was very good fashion, she believed in sex after marriage, and getting pregnant by your husband, and just the whole 9 yards. So, to find out I got pregnant after a one-night stand and with a guy I barely knew. Even though I knew Hunter in high school, it still doesn't really count as knowing him when it's been years later.

I asked Hunter if he told his parents because I guess I wanted to maybe know how his family
took the news. I knew my sister and brother took it well, but my mother I don't know.

"Did you tell your mom?" Hunter ask pulling me from my thoughts and I shake my head no.

"We should invite them over for dinner and tell them together." Hunter suggest and I look at him wide eyed. I don't know if that was the best idea. My mother was kind of a hot head, I don't think she would appreciate news like this being just sprung on her. "Ummm.. I don't know." I reply and Hunter smiles down at me.

"Come on, I'll be good. I'll cook, and you can invite Cameron and Shane, and I'll invite my sisters. It can be like a family dinner. Since everyone is going to have to meet each other and find out eventually why not do it together." Hunter explains and I sigh. I could tell Hunter wanted this to happen so I roll my eyes and just gave in.

"Fine, but I know my mother and I think I should have a talk with her before the dinner, and you should too."

Hunter rolls his eyes, "Thats the whole point of the dinner to tell our parents."

I shake my head, "No, the point for me is so that your family meets mine. However, I'm telling my mom before dinner.. I have to." I respond and Hunter sighs.

"Okay, but it has to be before Saturday."

"Saturday of this weekend!" I exclaim. I wasn't expecting it so soon. "Yes." Hunter replies and I look at him yet again wide eyed. It was Wednesday, that means I had what basically three days to tell my mother. To just spring this on her, then invite her to a dinner. She was not gonna be happy.

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