Chapter 12

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Katie's POV

"Why would I do that? You're mother hates me." I say attempting to put my hair into a pony tail. I was currently speaking to Hunter over the phone, while he was on his way to the airport. He was trying to convince me to meet with his mother. It has been a week since the dinner from hell with our families.

"She really wants to talk to you. She's stopping over later today." Hunter says and my eyes widened. "Today?!" I exclaims and groan when my ponytail holder breaks. It should never be this hard. I knew I should have waited to wash my hair. Now it's a curly mess instead of the straight manageable hair I just had prior to washing it.

"Yes, today." He confirms and I groan yet again this time because I didn't want to meet with his mother especially alone. "Please, Katie for me?" Hunter pleads and I roll my eyes reaching into my bathroom drawer and pulling out a brush and another hair tie. "Do I have to?" I pout. "Yes." Hunter deadpans and I sigh wetting the brush so, I could hopefully get my hair into a neat pony tail.

"Fine." I huff and I just know he's smiling, just because I know him. "Good."

"So, for Monday are sure you're going to be able to make it to the appointment by 2:30. It's okay if you can't, my mother wants to come anyways so I won't be alone." I reassure and Hunter laughs. "I'm going to be there. I have to go though, bye." He says and I say bye back before we hung up.

After what felt like forever, I finally got my hair into a slick curly ponytail. I already took a shower today so all I have to do is get dressed. As of right now, I'm still able to fit in my clothes, but I can feel them getting a little tighter, and I feel like I'm barely gaining any weight.

I throw on something simple which is a pair of fabric shorts and a t-shirt. With my favorite pair of fuzzy slippers. The elevator dings and I figure it's Hunter's mom.

I walk out of my room and to the living room where Dinah actually was. "Hi." I speak grabbing her attention. "Hello Katie." She says walking towards me, and pulling me into a hug. It felt weird, but I hugged her back. "I'm sorry, about dinner. It's just I get so worried about Hunter." She apologizes pulling out of the hug and I nod.

I got that vibe form her she seemed protective. "Can we just start over?" I ask and she smiles widely at me. "I'd like that." She responds and nod.

"I'm sorry too. I get that you were just being a mother." I say and Dinah smiles at me. She was really so beautiful, and to me didn't resemble much of Hunter. However, her and Caroline looked just a lot. Hunter and Rachel looked more like Logan with their dark hair and dark eyes.  However, Rachel shared blue eyes just like Dinah while Caroline and Hunter had the dark eyes like Logan. They're so diverse, it was amazing seeing them all in one room.

"Let's sit." I suggest and the two of us walk over to the couch and sit beside each other.

"I do still want to talk about my little grand niece of nephew. I know that you and Hunter aren't together, but do you think there's maybe a possibility. The way Hunter was at the dinner with you, I've never seen him like that with anyone else."

I was taken off guard. She was asking me if Hunter and I could potentially be together, and the answer is honestly I could see if happen. Hunter is the father of my child, and he's sweet and thoughtful, and no doubt attractive, how do you think I got pregnant in the first place. However, I don't want him or me to feel obligated to be together because we're having a kid.

If I was to be with Hunter, it would be because both him and I truly wanted to make things happen between us, and right now it just seems like because if the baby. "I don't know probably not anything soon." I answer with uncertainty, because honestly I couldn't tell you.

She nods, "Okay, well then are planning on staying here even after the baby is born?" She ask and I sigh. I didn't know about that either. The longer I stay here, the more I don't want to leave. "Maybe, probably. I really don't know Dinah. I know you want us to have it all figured out now, but please can we have time to just settled now?" I ask and Dinah nods before laughing.

"I'm doing it again." She comments and I laugh with her. She doesn't seem so bad now, just seems like she wants to know what's going on. I can respect that, she's trying to protect her son. I hope I can be this protective over my son or daughter, and want what's best for them. What do I mean hope, I know I will.

"It's okay, really. I'm happy you care enough to figure this all out now with us. So, that's why I promise when it's all figured out we'll tell you. I do actually value your opinion probably a lot more than I should." I reassure and Dinah laughs.

"You're a really sweet girl. I'm just so glad that it was you he got pregnant instead of someone whose bad for him." She compliments basically and I smile cheekily. That actually warmed my heart. It felt good hearing that from her.

"Thank you. I'm glad it was him instead of some douche bag on the street. You raised a really good man." I comment and Dinah gives me a big smile. "I try to tell him everyday." She jokes and I laugh.

"So when you're first doctor's appointment?"


"Monday! So Hunter won't be able to make it?" She seems concerned seems she knew about this business trip. "He will, it's in the after noon." I answer truthfully and Dinah smiles. "Good."

"So what are you hoping for a girl or a boy?" Dinah ask and I shrug. I never really thought about it. "I guess, It doesn't matter. I just a baby that's healthy."

Dinah nods, "That was so beautifully said, but you can be honest with me. I wanted all girls and out came Hunter." She jokes and I laugh.

I could get use to her.






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